Product Variant
This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tcibd001 | Items |
tcmcs002 | Currencies |
tipcf500 | Product Variant |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Alternative Sales Quotation | tipcf500.altn |
Company | Logical company of tipcf500 |
Currency | tipcf500.ccur |
Currency Desc | tcmcs002.dsca |
Item | tipcf500.item |
Item Base | tipcf500.item without project segment |
Item Desc | tcibd001.dsca |
Item Filter | '#'+tipcf500.item |
Item Project | tipcf500.item project segment |
Product Configuration Date | tipcf500.pcfd |
Product Variant | tipcf500.cpva |
Product Variant Desc | tipcf500.dsca |
Product Variant ID Desc | tipcf500.cpva + tipcf500.dsca |
Product Variant Valid | tipcf500.vali |
Product Variant Valid Filter | tipcf500.vali |
Product Variant Valid Sort | tipcf500.vali |
Reference Order | tipcf500.refo |
Reference Position | tipcf500.refp |
Reference Type | tipcf500.reft |
Reference Type Filter | tipcf500.reft |
Reference Type Sort | tipcf500.reft |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
Variant Sales Price | tipcf500.slpr |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |