This dimension is for TP Projects. See PCS Project for the PCS Project dimension.
This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tccom001 | Employees - General |
tccom130 | Addresses |
tccom139 | Cities by Country |
tcemm030 | Enterprise Units |
tcemm050 | Sites |
tcemm100 | Time Zones |
tcemm170 | Companies |
tcmcs005 | Reasons |
tcmcs010 | Countries |
tcmcs045 | Areas |
tcmcs052 | Projects |
tcmcs143 | States/Provinces |
tpctm010 | Programs |
tppdm055 | Business Sectors |
tppdm059 | Financing Methods |
tppdm063 | Acquiring Methods |
tppdm065 | Project Groups |
tppdm075 | Categories |
tppdm085 | Phases |
tppdm600 | Projects |
tppss010 | Project Plans |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Acquiring Method | tppdm600.ccam |
Acquiring Method Desc | tppdm063.desc |
Active Budget Cost Analysis Version | tppdm600.ccal |
Active Plan | tppdm600.cpla |
Active Plan Desc | tppss010.desc |
Budget by | tppdm600.btpr |
Budget by Filter | tppdm600.btpr |
Budget by Sort | tppdm600.btpr |
Budget Top Element | tppdm600.cspa |
Business Sector | tppdm600.csec |
Business Sector Desc | tppdm055.desc |
Capital Project | tppdm600.capp |
Capital Project Filter | tppdm600.capp |
Capital Project Sort | tppdm600.capp |
Category | tppdm600.ccat |
Category Desc | tppdm075.desc |
City | tccom130.ccit |
City Desc | tccom139.dsca |
Closing Fiscal Period | tppdm600.cfpr |
Closing Fiscal Year | tppdm600.cfye |
Company | Logical company of tcmcs052 |
Contract Execution | tppdm600.coty |
Contract Execution Filter | tppdm600.coty |
Contract Execution Sort | tppdm600.coty |
Contract Type | tppdm600.agty |
Contract Type Filter | tppdm600.agty |
Contract Type Sort | tppdm600.agty |
Control by | tppdm600.btco |
Control by Filter | tppdm600.btco |
Control by Sort | tppdm600.btco |
Country | tccom130.ccty |
Country Desc | tcmcs010.dsca |
Default Activity | tppdm600.rsac |
Enterprise Unit | tppdm600.entu |
Enterprise Unit Desc | tcemm030.dsca |
EU Member State | tcmcs010.meec |
EU Member State Filter | tcmcs010.meec |
EU Member State Sort | tcmcs010.meec |
Financial Company | tppdm600.ncmp |
Financial Company Desc | tcemm170.desc |
Financial Result Status | tppdm600.pstf |
Financial Result Status Filter | tppdm600.pstf |
Financial Result Status Sort | tppdm600.pstf |
Financing Method | tppdm600.cfac |
Financing Method Desc | tppdm059.desc |
Finish Time | tppdm600.dldt |
Geographical Area | tppdm600.creg |
Geographical Area Desc | tcmcs045.dsca |
GPS Latitude | tccom130.glat |
GPS Location | Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Project Desc. |
GPS Longitude | tccom130.glon |
Group | tppdm600.ccot |
Group Desc | tppdm065.desc |
Hierarchy Type | tppdm600.kopr |
Hierarchy Type Filter | tppdm600.kopr |
Hierarchy Type Sort | tppdm600.kopr |
Internal Project | tppdm600.intp |
Internal Project Filter | tppdm600.intp |
Internal Project Sort | tppdm600.intp |
Invoice Type | tppdm600.invm |
Invoice Type Filter | tppdm600.invm |
Invoice Type Sort | tppdm600.invm |
ISO Country Code Alpha-2 | tcmcs010.ict2 |
Logistic Company | tcemm050.lcmp |
Logistic Company Desc | tcemm170.desc |
Main Project | tppdm600.mprj |
Main Project Desc | tcmcs052.dsca |
Main Project ID Desc | Main Project + Main Project Desc |
Organization Breakdown Structure | tppdm600.cobs |
Phase | tppdm600.cstg |
Phase Desc | tppdm085.desc |
Program | tppdm600.prgm |
Program Desc | tpctm010.dsca |
Project ID Desc | Project + Project Desc |
Project Management Office | tppdm600.pmfc |
Project Creation Date | tppdm600.pcrd |
Project Currency | tppdm600.ccur |
Project Currency Desc | tcmcs002.dsca |
Project Desc | tcmcs052.dsca |
Project Management Office | tcmcs052.dsca |
Project Manager | tppdm600.pmng |
Project Manager Name | tccom001.nama |
Project Status | tppdm600.psts |
Project Status Filter | tppdm600.psts |
Project Status Sort | tppdm600.psts |
Reason | tppdm600.cdis |
Reason Desc | tcmcs005.dsca |
Search Key a | tcmcs052.seak |
Search Key b | tcmcs052.seab |
Start Time | tppdm600.stdt |
State/Province | tccom130.cste |
State Province Desc | tcmcs143.dsca |
Substantial Completion Date | tppdm600.fddt |
Template | tppdm600.tmpl |
Template Filter | tppdm600.tmpl |
Template Sort | tppdm600.tmpl |
Time Zone | tcemm100.timz |
Time Zone Code | tccom130.tzid |
Time Zone Desc | tcemm100.dsca |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
Use Organization Breakdown Structure | tppdm600.uobs |
Use Organization Breakdown Structure Filter | tppdm600.uobs |
Use Organization Breakdown Structure Sort | tppdm600.uobs |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |
Address fields are included for tppdm600.padr.