This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
bpmdm001 | Employee People Data |
tccom001 | Employees - General |
tccom130 | Addresses |
tccom139 | Cities by Country |
tcemm100 | Time Zones |
tcmcs010 | Countries |
tcmcs048 | Cost Components |
tcmcs065 | Departments |
tcmcs143 | States/Provinces |
tcppl090 | Labor Rate Codes |
tsmdm105 | Service Areas |
tsmdm140 | Service Employees |
tsmdm145 | Service Cars |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Calendar Code | tccom001.ccal |
City | tccom130.ccit |
City Desc | tccom139.dsca |
Civil Status | bpmdm001.cist |
Company | Logical company of tccom001 |
Contract End Date | bpmdm001.cedt |
Cost Component | tccom001.cpcp |
Cost Component Desc | tcmcs048.dsca |
Country | tccom130.ccty |
Country Desc | tcmcs010.dsca |
Country of Nationality | bpmdm001.ccty |
Country of Nationality Desc | tcmcs010.dsca |
Date of Birth | bpmdm001.daob |
Department | tccom001.cwoc |
Department Desc | tcmcs065.dsca |
bpmdm001.mail | |
Employee | tccom001.emno |
Employee ID Name | tccom001.emno + tccom001.nama |
Employee Name | tccom001.nama |
Employee Type | bpmdm001.emtp |
Employee Type Filter | bpmdm001.emtp |
Employee Type Sort | bpmdm001.emtp |
Employment | bpmdm001.hwem |
EU Member State | tcmcs010.meec |
EU Member State Filter | tcmcs010.meec |
EU Member State Sort | tcmcs010.meec |
Fax | bpmdm001.tefw |
First Date of Employment | bpmdm001.sdte |
Gender | bpmdm001.sexe |
Gender Filter | bpmdm001.sexe |
Gender Sort | bpmdm001.sexe |
Given Name | tccom001.namb |
GPS Latitude | tccom130.glat |
GPS Location | Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Employee Name. |
GPS Longitude | tccom130.glon |
ISO Country Code Alpha-2 | tcmcs010.ict2 |
Job Title | bpmdm001.jobt |
Labor Rate Code | tccom001.clrt |
Labor Rate Code Desc | tcppl090.desc |
Language | tccom001.clan |
Last Date of Employment | bpmdm001.edte |
Last Name | tccom001.namd |
Messenger Address | bpmdm001.msad |
Messenger Type | bpmdm001.msty |
Messenger Type Filter | bpmdm001.msty |
Messenger Type Sort | bpmdm001.msty |
Middle Name | tccom001.namc |
Mobile Phone | bpmdm001.telm |
Search Key | tccom001.seak |
Service Area | tsmdm140.csar |
Service Area Desc | tsmdm105.desc |
Service Car | tsmdm140.ccar |
Service Car Desc | tsmdm145.desc |
State/Province | tccom130.cste |
State Province Desc | tcmcs143.dsca |
Telephone | bpmdm001.telw |
Telephone 2 | bpmdm001.tlw1 |
Time Zone | tcemm100.timz |
Time Zone Code | tccom130.tzid |
Time Zone Desc | tcemm100.dsca |
Type of Employment Contract | bpmdm001.tctr |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |
Address fields are included for bpmdm001.cadr.