Service Serialized Item
This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tccom100 | Business Partners |
tcemm170 | Companies |
tcmcs052 | Projects |
tcmcs065 | Departments |
tirou002 | Machine |
tsbsc100 | Installation Group |
tscfg200 | Serialized Items |
tcibd001 | Items |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Alternate Serial Number | tscfg200.srbp |
Company | tscfg200_compnr |
Conformance Reporting | tscfg200.cncd |
Covered by Contract | tscfg200.cvco |
Covered by Contract Filter | tscfg200.cvco |
Covered by Contract Sort | tscfg200.cvco |
Creation Time | tscfg200.crtm |
Delivery Time | tscfg200.dltm |
Department Desc | tcmcs065.dsca |
Dummy Serial Number | tscfg200.dsnr |
Dummy Serial Number Filter | tscfg200.dsnr |
Dummy Serial Number Sort | tscfg200.dsnr |
Generic Warranty | tscfg200.gwte |
Installation Group | tscfg200.clst |
Installation Group Desc | tsbsc100.desc |
Installation Time | tscfg200.optm |
Item | tscfg200.item |
Item Desc | tcibd001.dsca |
Item Filter | '#' + tcibd001.item |
Item Group Desc | tcmcs023.dsca |
Location Site | tscfg200.lste |
Lot | tscfg200.clot |
Machine | tscfg200.mcno |
Machine Desc | tirou002.dsca |
Manufacturer | tscfg200.cmnf |
Manufacturing Date | tscfg200.mftm |
Operations Department | tscfg200.mdpt |
Operations Department Desc | tcmcs065.dsca (via tsmdm100) |
Originating Contract Line | tscfg200.cnln |
Originating Detail Line | tscfg200.sdno |
Originating Order | tscfg200.srno |
Originating Order Line | tscfg200.spno |
Originating Order Type | tscfg200.ortp |
Originating Order Type Filter | tscfg200.ortp |
Originating Order Type Sort | tscfg200.ortp |
Physical Top | tscfg200.phyt |
Physical Top Filter | tscfg200.phyt |
Physical Top Sort | tscfg200.phyt |
Preferred Engineer Depot Repair | tscfg200.prfb |
Preferred Engineer Field Service | tscfg200.emno |
Priority | tscfg200.prio |
Production Site | tscfg200.pste |
Project | tscfg200.cpro |
Rental | tscfg200.rnyn |
Rental Filter | tscfg200.rnyn |
Rental Flag | 1 if tscfg200.rnyn = yes, else 0 |
Rental Sort | tscfg200.rnyn |
Repair Site | tscfg200.rste |
Project Desc | tcmcs052.dsca |
Project Element/Activity | tscfg200.pelt |
Repair Warranty Duration | tscfg200.rwdu |
Repair Warranty Duration Unit | tscfg200.rwun |
Repair Warranty Duration Unit Filter | tscfg200.rwun |
Repair Warranty Duration Unit Sort | tscfg200.rwun |
Revision | tscfg200.revi |
Sales Value | tscfg200.prip |
Serial Number | tscfg200.sern |
Serialized Item Group | tscfg200.sigr |
Serialized Item Warranty Terms | tscfg200.sswt |
Serialized Item Warranty Terms Filter | tscfg200.sswt |
Serialized Item Warranty Terms Sort | tscfg200.sswt |
Service Area | tscfg200.csar |
Service Office | tscfg200.soff |
Service Office Desc | tcmcs065.dsca |
Service Serialized Item | tscfg200.item |
Service Serialized Item Desc | tscfg200.desc |
Service Serialized Item Filter | If tscfg200.item is null or tscfg200.sern is null, then null. Else, # + tscfg200.item + tscfg200.sern. |
Service Serialized Item ID Desc | tscfg200.item + tscfg200.desc |
Ship-from BP | tscfg200.sfbp |
Ship from BP Name | tccom100.nama |
Status | tscfg200.stat |
Status Date | tscfg200.sttm |
Status Filter | tscfg200.stat |
Status Sort | tscfg200.stat |
Subcontractor | tscfg200.sbct |
Supplier Warranty | tscfg200.swte |
Supplier Warranty Term | tscfg200.strm |
Term | tscfg200.term |
Top Item | tscfg200.titm |
Top Serial Number | tscfg200.tser |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
Warranty | tscfg200.cwte |
Warranty Type | Serialized Warranty: Serialized Item Warranty Terms = Yes Generic Warranty: Serialized Item Warranty Terms = No and Generic Warranty is filled. Non Warranty: Warranty is empty and Generic Warranty is empty. Else, Other. |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |