Chart of Accounts

This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description
tcemm170 Companies
tcmcs001 Units
tfgld008 Chart of Accounts

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping
Account Type tfgld008.atyp
Account Type Filter tfgld008.atyp
Account Type Sort tfgld008.atyp
Company Logical company of tfgld008
Complementary Account Level01 till Complementary Account Level10 Indicates the level of the account in the complementary hierarchy
Debit Credit Indicator tfgld008.dbcr
Debit/Credit Indicator Filter tfgld008.dbcr
Debit/Credit Indicator Sort tfgld008.dbcr
Dual Accounting Indicator tfgld008.duac
Dual Accounting Indicator Filter tfgld008.duac
Dual Accounting Indicator Sort tfgld008.duac
Fixed Asset Integration tfgld008.ifas
Fixed Asset Integration Filter tfgld008.ifas
Fixed Asset Integration Sort tfgld008.ifas
Ledger Account tfgld008.leac
Ledger Account Desc tfgld008.desc
Ledger Account ID Desc tfgld008.leac + tfgld008.desc
Logistic Company tfgld008.loco
Logistic Company Desc tcemm170.desc
Statutory Account Level01 till Statutory Account Level10 Indicates the level of the account in the statutory hierarchy
Sublevel tfgld008.subl
Unit 1 tfgld008.uni1
Unit 1 Desc tcmcs001.dsca
Unit 2 tfgld008.uni2
Unit 2 Desc tcmcs001.dsca
Unknown 1 for null records, else 0
Variable Percentage tfgld008.perc
deleted 1 if deleted in LN, else 0
Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields