
The mapping guide describes the available attributes for each dimension.

This table shows the dimensions targeted by the service order fact:

Dimension Type Note
Accounting Office Conformed tssoc200.fdpt
Company Conformed tssoc200.compnr
Financial Company Conformed Financial Company of Service Office
Financial Period Conformed Financial Period for Order Date (tssoc200.ordt), or Actual Finish Time (tssoc200.aftm), or Planned Finish Time (tssoc200.pftm)
Internal Sales Rep Conformed tssoc200.crep
Invoice-to BP Conformed tssoc200.itbp
Item Conformed tssoc200.item
Pay-by BP Conformed tssoc200.pfbp
Project Conformed tssoc200.cprj
Service Contract Domain specific tssoc200.csco
Service Office Conformed tssoc200.cwoc
Service Order Domain specific tssoc200.orno
Service Serialized Item Domain specific tssoc200.item + sern
Service Warranty Domain specific tssoc200.wrty
Ship-to BP Conformed tssoc200.stbp
Site Conformed
Sold-to Address Conformed tssoc200.ofad
Sold-to BP Conformed tssoc200.ofbp
Transaction Currency Conformed tssoc200.curr
Transaction Unit Conformed tssoc200.compnr