Sales Contract Line
The Sales Contract Line fact includes measures based on Sales Contract Line (tdsls301).
Transformation of extracted data:
- Contract and time dimension
- Some sales contract line measures allow aggregation against the time dimension. Two fact tables are populated: Sales Contract Line and Sales Contract Line Analysis. Both tables have the same dimensions, but Sales Contract Line Analysis additionally targets the time dimension. The Sales Contract Line Analysis fact table stores measures on week level and allows aggregation to Month, Quarter, and Year level. A contract has an effective and expiry date; a record is created for each week between these dates. Measures are equally divided across the weeks of the contract.
- Deleted lines
- Deleted sales contract lines are stored in the Sales Contract Line fact tables. Terminated sales contract lines that are deleted remain available for analysis. However, sales contract lines with status Free that are deleted, are hidden in the fact tables and are not available for analysis.
- Sales contracts without lines
- The Sales Contracts table tdsls300 is used for targeting dimensions such as Sold-to BP and External Sales Rep, but measures are based on the sales contract line table tdsls301. This means that sales contracts without lines are not available in the fact tables.
This diagram shows the star schema:
Note: Time dimension is targeted only in the Sales Contract Line Analysis fact table.