Measures - Sales Contract Line

This table shows the sales contract line fact measures:

Measure Mapping Note
Active 1 if sales contract line status = Active, 0 if Free or Terminated
Agreed Quantity tdsls301.qoor
Amount Negative Variance -1 * Amount Variance if negative, else 0
Amount Negative Variance Ratio Amount Negative Variance / Expected Amount
Amount Positive Variance Amount Variance if positive, else 0
Amount Positive Variance Ratio Amount Positive Variance / Expected Amount
Amount Variance Total Amount - Expected Amount
Amount Variance Ratio Amount Variance / Expected Amount
Average Amount Net Amount / Sales Contract Line Contract Count Distinct
Called Amount tdsls301.camt
Called Quantity tdsls301.qicl
Contract Count Distinct Distinct count Sales Contract
Count Always 1 but 0 for null records
Customer Count Distinct Distinct customer count
Discount Amount Gross Amount – Net Amount
Called Quantity tdsls301.qicl
Contract Count Distinct Distinct count Sales Contract
Count Always 1 but 0 for null records
Customer Count Distinct Distinct customer count
Discount Amount Gross Amount – Net Amount
Discount Ratio Discount Amount / Gross Amount
Duration Expiry Date - Effective Date (in days)
Elapsed Time Current Date - Effective Date

0 if Current Date <= Effective Date

Contract Duration if Current Date >= Expiry Date

Expected Amount Net Amount * Expected Ratio
Expected Quantity Agreed qty * Expected Ratio
Expected Ratio Elapsed Time / Contract Duration
Extended 1 if Expiry Date was changed to a later date, else 0
External Sales Rep Count Distinct Distinct external sales rep count
Free 1 if sales contract line status = Free, 0 if Active or Terminated
Gross Amount Agreed Quantity * Price. Calculated in LN matching field in session tdsls3501m000.
Gross Price Gross Amount / Ordered Quantity
Invoice Price Invoiced Amount / Invoiced Quantity
Invoiced Amount tdsls301.bamt
Invoiced Quantity tdsls301.qiiv
Item Count Distinct Distinct item count
Net Amount Gross Amount – Discounts based on the Discount Arrays. Calculated in LN, matching field in session tdsls3501m000.
Net Amount Ratio Net Amount / Gross Amount
Net Price Net Amount / Ordered Quantity
New Customer 1 if no contract lines exist for the Sold-to BP in the quarter before the effective date. (1)
New Customer Ratio New Customer Contract / Sales Contract Line Count (1)
New Item 1 if no contract lines exist for the Item in the quarter before the effective date. (1)
New Item Ratio New Item Contract / Sales Contract Line Count (1)
Non Renewal Ratio Not Renewed / Contract Line Count (aka Lost Contracts)
Not Renewed 1 = Renewal status is Not Renewed

0 = Renewal status is Renewed

Price Gross Amount / Agreed Quantity
Remaining Amount Net Amount - Total Amount

0 if Total Amount > Net Amount

Remaining Amount Ratio Remaining Amount / Net Amount

Schedule Adherence: halfway contract means called and invoiced = 50% of agreed qty

Remaining Quantity Agreed Quantity - Total Quantity

0 if Total Quantity > Agreed Quantity

Remaining Time Contract Duration - Elapsed Time

Elapsed Time = Current Date - Effective Date

Elapsed Time = 0 if Current Date <= Effective Date

Elapsed Time = Contract Duration if Current Date >= Expiry Date

Remaining Time Ratio Remaining Time/Contract Duration
Renewal Ratio Renewed/Contract Line Count
Renewal Time Expiry date - Contract date of new active contract line

0 if not renewed

Renewed 1 = A newer active contract line exists

0 = No new active contract line exists

Checks if another active contract line exists with the same Customer-Item combination and with a later expiry date.

Does not consider field Original Contract.

Repeat Customer 1 - New Customer Contract (1)
Repeat Item 1 - New Item Contract (1)
Result Total Quantity / Agreed Quantity
Terminated 1 if sales contract line status = Terminated, 0 if Free or Active
Total Amount Called Amount + Invoiced Amount
Total Quantity Called Quantity + Invoiced Quantity
Usage Ratio Total Amount / Net Amount
  • (1) New Customer, Repeat Customer, New Item, Repeat Item are based on the effective date on the sales contract line. If a customer is new in a specified quarter, then all sales contract lines in that quarter count as new customer contracts. After the quarter, sales contract lines are considered repeat customer contracts.

    The default bucket is Quarter. This bucket can be changed to Year, Quarter, or Month in user variable LN_usr_ReportNewCustomerBucket. For New Item Sales and Repeat Item Sales, the default is Year. This bucket can be changed to Year, Quarter, or Month in user variable LN_usr_ReportNewItemBucket.