
This table shows the accounts receivable measures:

Measure Mapping Note
Accounts Receivable Count Always 1 (1)
Advance Amount If ACR Document Type = Advance Receipt or Assignment and the main document has document type Advance Receipt, then Amount. Else, 0. (1)
Advance or Unallocated Receipt Amount If ACR Document Type = Advance Receipt or Unallocated Receipt, then Amount. Else, 0.
Advance or Unallocated Receipt Count If ACR Document Type = Advance Receipt or Unallocated Receipt, then 1. Else, 0.
Amount For invoice currency, tfacr200.amti.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.amnt.

Else, tfacr200.amth.

Anticipated Receipt Amount If ACR Document Type = Anticipated Receipt, Advance Anticipated, or Unallocated Anticipated, then Amount. Else, 0. (1)
Anticipated Receipt Count If ACR Document Type = Anticipated Receipt, Advance Anticipated, or Unallocated Anticipated, then 1. Else, 0.
Balance Balance amount on Accounts Receivable.

For invoice currency, tfacr200.balc.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.balc.

Else, tfacr200.balh.

Balance Advance If ACR Document Type = Advance Receipt and the transaction is a main document, then Balance. Else, 0.
Balance Anticipated Anticipated Balances on Accounts Receivable.

For invoice Currency, tfacr200.bala.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.bala.

Else, tfacr200.bahc.

Balance Credit Note If ACR Document Type = Credit Note and the transaction is a main document, then Balance. Else, 0. (1)
Balance Invoice If ACR Document Type = Sales Invoice, then Balance. Else, 0. (1)
Balance Not Yet Due Total Balance if Days Overdue Aging = 0, else 0.
Balance Total Open Entry Balance + Balance Anticipated (1)
Balance Trade Note If ACR Document Type = Trade Note and the transaction is a main document, then Balance. Else, 0. (1)
Balance Unallocated If ACR Document Type = Unallocated Receipt and the transaction is a main document, then Balance. Else, 0. (1)
Bank Charge Amount Handling charges by the bank for the Receipt or Settlement.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.baco.

For the home currencies, tfacr200.baca.

Else, calculated.

Correction Count If ACR Document Type = Correction, then 1. Else, 0. (1)
Credit Note Count If ACR Document Type = Credit Note and the transaction is a main document, then 1. Else, 0. (1)
Days Overdue If Open Entry and Current Date > Due Date, then Current Date – Due Date. Note that this is calculated during processing of the Finance space, and not at report rendering.

Else, Clearing Date – Due Date.

Main documents without a Due Date in LN have a Due Date of 31/12/9999 and Days Overdue of 0 in LN Analytics.

Days Overdue Aging Days Overdue. Main documents without a Due Date in LN have a Days Overdue Aging of 99999 in LN Analytics.
Discount Amount Taken First Discount Taken + Second Discount Taken + Third Discount Taken. (1)

Disputed Amount

Balance if Disputed, else 0.

Disputed Count

1 if Disputed, 0 if not Disputed.

Due Amount Disputed

Balance if Late and Disputed and no Advance or Unallocated Receipt. Else, 0.

Due Amount not Disputed

Balance if Late and not Disputed and no Advance or Unallocated Receipt. Else, 0.

Estimated Collectable Amount

Total Balance - Estimated Uncollectable Amount if Total Balance <> 0. Else, 0.

Estimated Uncollectable Amount

Non-payment probability increases with age, the uncollectable amount is estimated by assigning percentages to each age bucket and summing the estimated unpaid amounts for each age bucket:

Balance Not Yet Due * Estimate Percentage Not Yet Due + Overdue Bucket 1 * Estimate Percentage Bucket 1 + Overdue Bucket 2 * Estimate Percentage Bucket 2 + Overdue Bucket 3 * Estimate Percentage Bucket 3 + Overdue Bucket 4 * Estimate Percentage Bucket 4 + Overdue Bucket 5 * Estimate Percentage Bucket 5 + Overdue Bucket 6 * Estimate Percentage Bucket 6.


Estimated Uncollectable Ratio

Estimated Uncollectable Amount / Total Balance
First Discount Amount Taken Only for subdocuments (Receipt or Settlements).

For invoice currency, -1*tfacr200.dc1i.

For transaction currency, -1*tfacr200.dc1a.

Else, -1*tfacr200.dc1h.

For Main Documents, 0.

Late Count If Invoice or Credit Note is completed after the Due Date, then 1. Else, 0. (1)
Late Payment Surcharge Actual Amount Only for subdocuments (Receipt or Settlement).

For invoice currency, tfacr200.lapi.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.lapa.

Else, tfacr200.laph.

Not Due Amount Disputed Balance if not Late and Disputed and no Advance or Unallocated Receipt. Else, 0.
Not Due Amount not Disputed Balance if not Late and not Disputed and no Advance or Unallocated Receipt. Else, 0.
Open Amount Ratio Balance/Amount
Open Entries Count If Main Document is open, then 1. Else, 0. (1)
Overdue Amount Balance for main documents that are late or whose due date is empty. Else, 0.

Note that this is calculated during processing of the Finance space, and not at report rendering.

Overdue Amount Aging Total Balance for main documents that are late. Else, 0.

Note that this is calculated during processing of the Finance space, and not at report rendering.

Overdue Bucket 1 Total Balance, if Days Overdue Aging > 0 and Days Overdue Aging <= OverdueBucket1. Else, 0. 2
Overdue Bucket 2 Total Balance, if Days Overdue Aging > OverdueBucket1 and Days Overdue Aging <= OverdueBucket2. Else, 0. 2
Overdue Bucket 3 Total Balance, if Days Overdue Aging > OverdueBucket2 and Days Overdue Aging <= OverdueBucket3. Else, 0. 2
Overdue Bucket 4 Total Balance, if Days Overdue Aging > OverdueBucket3 and Days Overdue Aging <= OverdueBucket4. Else, 0. 2
Overdue Bucket 5 Total Balance, if Days Overdue Aging > OverdueBucket4 and Days Overdue Aging <= OverdueBucket5. Else, 0. 2
Overdue Bucket 6 Total Balance, if Days Overdue Aging > OverdueBucket5 and Days Overdue Aging <= OverdueBucket6. Else, 0. 2
Overdue Ratio Overdue Amount Aging / Total Balance
Payment Difference Amount Payment difference between the Accounts Receivable and the Receipt or Settlement.

For invoice currency, tfacr200.padi + tfacr200.amti when ACR Document Type = Payment Difference.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.pada + tfacr200.amnt when ACR Document Type = Payment Difference.

Else, tfacr200.padh + tfacr200.amth when ACR Document Type = Payment Difference.

Realized Currency Difference Amount Realized Currency Differences due to exchange rate changes.

For invoice currency, calculated.

For transaction currency, 0.

Else, tfacr200.cdam.

Receipt Amount If ACR Document Types = Normal Receipt and Assignment (when the Receipt or Settlement is assigned to a Sales Invoice), then Amount. Else, 0. (1)
Receipt Count If ACR Document Types = Normal Receipt, Assignment (when the Receipt or Settlement is assigned to a Sales Invoice), then 1. Else, 0.
Reminded Amount Balance if Reminded. Else, 0.
Reminded Count 1 if Reminded, 0 if not Reminded.
Sales Invoice Amount Invoice amount based on ACR Document Types Sales Invoice, Correction, or Credit Note main document.
Sales Invoice Count If ACR Document Types = Sales Invoice, then 1. Else, 0. (1)
Second Discount Amount Taken Only for subdocuments (Receipt or Settlements).

For invoice currency, -1*tfacr200.dc2i.

For transaction currency, -1*tfacr200.dc2a.

Else, -1*tfacr200.dc2h.

For Main Documents, 0.

Settlement Amount If ACR Document Type = Purchase Invoice, Trade Note, and Credit Note (when the Credit note is a subdocument), then Amount. Else, 0. (1)
Settlement Count If ACR Document Types = Purchase Invoice, Trade Note and Credit Note (when the Credit Note is a subdocument), then 1, Else, 0. (1)
Tax Amount For invoice currency, tfacr200.vati.

For transaction currency, tfacr200.vata.

Else, tfacr200.vath.

Third Discount Amount Taken Only for subdocuments (Receipt or Settlements).

For invoice currency, -1*tfacr200.dc3i.

For transaction currency, -1*tfacr200.dc3a.

Else, -1*tfacr200.dc3h.

For Main Documents, 0.

Trade Note Amount If ACR Document Type = Trade Note, then Amount. Else, 0. (1)
Trade Note Count If ACR Document Type = Trade Note, then 1. Else, 0. (1)
Unallocated Amount If ACR Document Types = Unallocated Receipt and Assignment (when the receipt or Settlement is assigned to an Unallocated Receipt), then Amount. Else, 0. (1)
Unrealized Currency Difference Amount Unrealized currency difference due to exchange rate change.

For invoice currency, calculated + tfacr200.amti when ACR Document Type = Currency Difference.

For transaction currency, calculated + tfacr200.amnt when ACR Document Type = Currency Difference.

Else, tfacr200.tore + tfacr200.amth when ACR Document Type = Currency Difference.

Written Off Count 1 if Written Off, 0 if not Written Off.
  • (1) Amounts facts are semi-additive (SA): amounts are available in 7 currency types (IC, LC, RC1, RC2, RFC, DWC, TC). Amounts in the invoice currency (IC) and transaction currency (TC) can only be summed safely by filtering Accounts Receivables for a specific transaction currency. Other amounts can be summed safely for a single company and for multiple companies that have the same currency and financial period setup.
    Note: The amounts are only semi-additive when you filter on:
    • The correct segment type records in the fact table. The fact table contains records that belong to three different segment types: 10: Header, 20: Line, and 99: Not Applicable. As end user you can report on header or line. When you report on Header. ensure to include records of segment type 10: header and 99: Not Applicable. When reporting on Line, include records of segment type 20: line and 99: Not Applicable. To facilitate report and dashboard creation, these attributes have been added to the Segment Type dimension:
      • Segment Dashboard Filter
      • Segment Header Filter
      • Segment Line
      When filtering on the correct attribute does not happen, amounts will be incorrect because the fact table contains segment header as well as segment line data.
    • The Sublevel attributes of the Chart of Account and Dimension01 till Dimension12 dimensions when they are dragged into a report. Otherwise, amounts and counts from sublevel 0 accounts and their parent accounts are added together.
  • (2) Overdue Buckets 1 - 6 and estimate percentages can be configured.

    The default 4 overdue buckets are 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and 91-99999 days. By default, overdue buckets 5 and 6 are not used, but are available.

    The overdue buckets can be changed in user variables LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket1 - LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket6.

    The default estimate percentage for Not Yet Due is 1% and can be changed in the user variable LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesNotYetDue.

    The default estimate percentages for the 4 overdue buckets are 5%, 10%, 25%, and 50%. Estimate percentages for overdue buckets 5 and 6 are also set at 50%, but not used in the default overdue buckets.

    The estimate percentages for overdue buckets can be changed in user variables LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket1 - LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket6.

    This table lists the aging buckets, default days, and default estimated uncollectable %:

    Aging bucket Days Estimated Uncollectable %
    Not Yet Due <= 0 days 1%
    Overdue Bucket 1 1-30 days 5%
    Overdue Bucket 2 31-60 days 10%
    Overdue Bucket 3 61-90 days 25%
    Overdue Bucket 4 91-99999 days 50%
    Overdue Bucket 5 Unused 50%
    Overdue Bucket 6 Unused 50%