Credit Collection

The Credit Collection dashboard has KPIs and charts that show totals of these records for a credit collector:

  • Main documents
  • Not segment-based
  • Late, Reminded, Disputed, Written Off, Advance, or Unallocated Receipt.

You can compare this dashboard with the Credit Collector Workbench (tfacr3609m000) session in LN. Ensure to refresh balances in LN and use the same credit analyst filter in LN and LN Analytics.


  • Late Count

    The number of overdue invoices and credit notes: documents with a clearing date past the due date and open entries that are past the due date.

    Note that late is precalculated and not determined at report rendering.

  • Overdue Amount

    Balance for the overdue invoices.

  • Reminded Count

    The number of invoices for which reminders are sent: invoices with reminder letter > 0.

  • Reminded Amount

    Balance for which reminders are sent.

  • Disputed Count

    The number of disputed invoices: invoices with a problem.

  • Disputed Amount

    Balance for disputed invoices.

  • Open Entries Count

    The number of open invoices: where balance < -0.00001 or > 0.00001.

  • Balance

    Balance amount on the open invoices.


  • Active Currencies
  • Top Customer Dept

    Debt is shown by Invoice-to BP, sorted by Balance Amount.

    Use the Cut-off filter to select the number of invoice-to business partners to show.

    Columns are shown for Advance or Unallocated Receipt Amount, Due Amount Disputed, Due Amount not Disputed, Not Due Amount Disputed, and Not Due Amount Not Disputed.

    Column selectors allow you to switch from Invoice-to BP to Country, Credit Analyst, and Financial Customer Group.

    You can drill across to the Credit Collection Details dashboard.

  • Dept by Region

    Geomap chart that shows Overdue Amount and Advance or Unallocated Receipt Amount by Country of the address of the Invoice-to BP