Accounts Receivable Aging Details

You can compare this dashboard with the Aging Analysis Details (tfacr2620m000) session in LN. Ensure to match the settings used to calculate the Receiving Aging Analysis in LN with these filters in LN Analytics: Accounts Receivable Document Type, Advance Invoice or Payment Request, Accounts Receivable Doubtful.

LN Analytics calculates aging based on due date and does not exclude receipt procedure steps.


  • Accounts Receivable Aging Details

    The Accounts Receivable Aging Details report shows aging for individual documents that are:

    • Main documents
    • Not segment-based

    This report breaks by company.

    You can drill back to Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries in LN.

    The table report displays balance, overdue amounts for the age buckets, and estimate uncollectable measures.

    The age bucket is determined based on the number of days overdue:

    • For fully paid invoices: Clearing Date - Due Date
    • For open invoices: Current Date - Due Date

    The non-payment probability increases with age, the uncollectable amount is estimated by assigning percentages to each age bucket and summing the estimated unpaid amounts for each age bucket.

    The default buckets with estimate percentages are: Not yet due (1%), 1-30 days (5%), 31-60 days (10%), 61-90 days (25%), 91-99999 days (50%).

    Buckets and estimate percentages can be changed in user variables.