
This table shows the opportunity item measures:
Measure Mapping Note
Opportunity Item Canceled Amount Opportunity Item Net Amount for status Canceled, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Canceled Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Canceled Amount / Opportunity Item Net Amount
Opportunity Item Canceled Count 1 for status Canceled, else 0
Opportunity Item Canceled Count Ratio Opportunity Item Canceled Count / Opportunity Item Count
Opportunity Item Closed Amount Opportunity Item Net Amount for status Canceled or Lost or Won, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Closed Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Closed Amount / Opportunity Item Net Amount
Opportunity Item Closed Count 1 for status Canceled, Lost or Won, else 0
Opportunity Item Closed Count Ratio Opportunity Item Closed Count / Opportunity Item Count
Opportunity Item Count Always 1 but 0 for null records
Note: Opportunities without items only appear in the Opportunity fact table
Opportunity Item Customer Count Distinct Distinct count of Sold-to BPs
Opportunity Item Deal Size Opportunity Item Net Amount / Opportunity Item Count
Opportunity Item Discount Amount Opportunity Item Gross Amount – Opportunity Item Net Amount
Opportunity Item Discount Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Discount Amount / Opportunity Item Gross Amount
Opportunity Item Duration End Date - Date of First Contact
Opportunity Item External Sales Rep Count Distinct Distinct count of Sales Reps
Opportunity Item Forecast Cancel Amount Opportunity Item Canceled Amount Ratio * Opportunity Item Open Amount (1)
Opportunity Item Forecast Cancel Count Opportunity Item Canceled Count Ratio * Opportunity Item Open Count (1)
Opportunity Item Forecast Lose Amount Opportunity Item Lost Amount Ratio * Opportunity Item Open Amount (1)
Opportunity Item Forecast Lose Count Opportunity Item Lost Count Ratio * Opportunity Item Open Count (1)
Opportunity Item Forecast Win Amount Opportunity Item Won Amount Ratio * Opportunity Item Open Amount (1)
Opportunity Item Forecast Win Count Opportunity Item Won Count Ratio * Opportunity Item Open Count (1)
Opportunity Item Gross Amount Opportunity Item Ordered Quantity * Price (tdpcg100.pric) (2)
Opportunity Item Gross Price Opportunity Item Gross Amount / Opportunity Item Ordered Quantity
Opportunity Item Item Count Distinct Distinct count of Items
Opportunity Item Lost Amount Opportunity Item Net Amount for status Lost, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Lost Amount Opportunity Item Net Amount for status Lost else 0.0
Opportunity Item Lost Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Lost Amount / Opportunity Item Net Amount
Opportunity Item Lost Count 1 for status Lost, else 0
Opportunity Item Lost Count Ratio Opportunity Item Lost Count / Opportunity Item Count
Opportunity Item Net Amount tdsmi113.amta
Opportunity Item Net Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Net Amount / Opportunity Item Gross Amount
Opportunity Item Net Price Opportunity Item Net Amount / Opportunity Item Ordered Quantity
Opportunity Item Open Amount Opportunity Item Net Amount for status Preliminary or In Process or Dead, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Open Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Open Amount / Opportunity Item Net Amount
Opportunity Item Open Count 1 for status Preliminary, In Process or Dead, else 0
Opportunity Item Open Count Ratio Opportunity Item Open Count / Opportunity Item Count
Opportunity Item Open Weighted Revenue Opportunity Item Weighted Revenue for status Preliminary, In Process or Dead, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Opportunity Count Distinct Distinct count of Opportunities
Opportunity Item Ordered Quantity tdsmi113.qoor
Opportunity Item Revenue Opportunity Item Net Amount if Select Item (tdsmi113.seli) is true, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Weighted Revenue Probability Percentage * Opportunity Item Revenue
Opportunity Item Won Amount Opportunity Item Net Amount (tdsmi113.amta) for status Won, else 0.0
Opportunity Item Won Amount Factor Opportunity Item Net Amount / Opportunity Item Won Amount

Won Amount Ratio 20% equals Won Amount Factor 5: you need opportunities with a net amount of 50$ to win opportunities worth 10$.

Opportunity Item Won Amount Ratio Opportunity Item Won Amount / Opportunity Item Net Amount.
Opportunity Item Won Count 1 for status Won, else 0.0.
Opportunity Item Won Count Factor Opportunity Item Count / Opportunity Item Won Count.

Won Count Ratio 20% equals Won Count Factor 5: you need 10 opportunities to win 2.

Opportunity Item Won Count Ratio Opportunity Item Won Count / Opportunity Item Count.
  • (1) Dimensional expression to get the Won Count Ratio or Won Revenue Ratio of the previous year.
  • (2) Uses calculation tdpcg.dll0100.calculate.extended.amount.