Measures - Sales Schedule Line Actual

This table shows the measures for the fact sales schedule line actual:

Measure Mapping Note
Adjustment Quantity tdsls307.qoad
Average Amount Net Amount / Sales Schedule Count Distinct
COGS Amount For the delivered quantity, the actual COGS amount is read from tdsls349. For the open quantity, the COGS amount is calculated on the fly.
COGS Ratio COGS Amount / Gross Amount
Confirmed Quantity tdsls307.qccf
Contract Linked 1 if tdsls307.cono is filled, else 0
Contract Linked Ratio Contract Linked / Count
Count Always 1, but 0 for null records
Customer Count Distinct Distinct customer count
Delivered 1 if schedule line status = Goods Delivered, Released to Invoicing, Invoiced, Processed. Else 0.
Delivered Early Days Start Date - Last Delivery Date (tdsls307.sdat - tdsls307.ddta)

0 if negative

Delivered Late Days Last Delivery Date - Start Date (tdsls307.ddta - tdsls307.sdat)

0 if negative

Delivered Quantity tdsls307.qidl
Discount Amount Gross Amount - Net Amount
Discount Ratio Discount Amount / Gross Amount
Early 1 if Last Delivery Date is before Start Date (tdsls307.ddta > tdsls307.sdat)

0 if Last Delivery Date is on or after Start Date (tdsls307.ddta <= tdsls307.sdat)

0 if not delivered (Last Delivery Date: tdsls307.ddta = 0)

Early Ratio Early / (Early + On Time + Late)
External Sales Rep Count Distinct Distinct external sales rep count
Gross Amount Agreed Quantity * Price. Calculated in LN matching field in session tdsls3107m000.
Gross Margin Amount Net Amount - COGS Amount (= Profit Amount)
Gross Margin Ratio Gross Margin Amount / Gross Amount (= Profit Ratio)
Gross Price Gross Amount / Ordered Quantity
Hold Quantity Ordered quantity if tdsls307.hold = Yes, else 0
Invoiced 1 if schedule line status = Invoiced or Processed. Else 0.
Item Count Distinct Distinct item count
Late 1 if Last Delivery Date is after Start Date (tdsls307.ddta > tdsls307.sdat)

0 if Last Delivery Date is before or on Start Date (tdsls307.ddta <= tdsls307.sdat)

0 if not delivered (Last Delivery Date: tdsls307.ddta = 0)

Late Ratio Late / (Early + On Time + Late)
Net Amount Gross Amount – Discounts. Calculated in LN matching field in session tdsls3107m000.
Net Amount Ratio Net Amount / Gross Amount
Net Price Net Amount / Ordered Quantity
New Customer 1 if no sales schedule lines exist for the Sold-to BP in the quarter before the Start Date. Else 0. (2)
New Customer Ratio New Customer Sales / Count (2)
New Item 1 if no sales schedule lines exist for the Item in the quarter before the Start Date. Else 0. (2)
New Item Ratio New Item Sales / Count (2)
On Time 1 if Last Delivery Date is on or before Start Date (tdsls307.ddta <= tdsls307.sdat)

0 if Last Delivery Date is after Start Date (tdsls307.ddta > tdsls307.sdat)

0 if not delivered (Last Delivery Date: tdsls307.ddta = 0)

On Time Ratio On Time / (Early + On Time + Late)
Open 1 if schedule line status is not Partially Shipped, Goods Delivered, Released to Invoicing, Invoiced, Processed. Else 0.
Ordered Quantity tdsls307.qoor
Note: ordered quantity = confirmed qty if confirmed qty > 0, else ordered quantity = required quantity
Partially Shipped 1 if schedule line status = Partially Shipped. Else 0.
Perfect Line 1 if not late and no shortage (Late = 0 and Shortage = 0)

0 if late or shortage

Perfect Line Ratio Perfect Line / Count
Punctuality (Early + On Time) / (Early + On Time + Late)
Put on Hold 1 if tdsls307.hold = yes, else 0
Quantity Negative Variance -1 * Quantity Variance if negative, else 0
Quantity Positive Variance Quantity Variance if positive, else 0
Quantity Variance Delivered Quantity - Ordered Quantity
Repeat Customer 1 if New Customer = 0 and 0 if New Customer = 1 (2)
Repeat Item 1 if New Item = 0 and 0 if New Item = 1 (2)
Required Quantity tdsls307.qrrq for requirement type Immediate and Firm
Sales Growth Amount Net Amount current quarter - Net Amount previous quarter (3)
Schedule Count Distinct Distinct sales schedule count
Shortage 1 if Delivered Quantity < Ordered Quantity and line status is Partially Delivered, Delivered, Released to Invoicing, Invoiced, Processed. Else 0.
Shortage Ratio Shortage / Sales Schedule Line Count
  • (1) Variables LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketEarlyHours and LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketLateHours can be used to qualify delivered sales schedule lines as Early, On Time, Late. The default is 4 hours, but administrators can change the variables.
    • A sales schedule line is Early, if the Last Delivery Date is 4 hours before the Start Date.
    • A sales schedule line is On Time, if the Last Delivery Date is between 4 hours before and 4 hours after the Start Date.
    • A sales schedule line is Late, if the Last Delivery Date is 4 hours after the Start Date.
  • (2) New Customer Sales and Repeat Customer Sales are based on the start date on the sales schedule line. If a customer is new in a certain quarter, then all sales schedule lines in that quarter count as new customer lines. After the quarter, sales schedule lines are considered repeat customer lines.

    The default bucket is Quarter. This bucket can be changed to Year, Quarter, or Month in user variable LN_usr_ReportNewCustomerBucket. For New Item Sales and Repeat Item Sales, the default is Year. This bucket can be changed to Year, Quarter, or Month in user variable LN_usr_ReportNewItemBucket.

  • (3) Sales Growth Amount is based on the start date on the sales schedule line. Sales schedule lines with a start date in the current quarter are compared with sales schedule lines with a start date in the previous quarter. The net amount of the previous quarter is subtracted from the net amount of the current quarter.

    The default period used is Quarter. This period can be changed to Year, Quarter, or Month in user variable LN_usr_ReportSalesGrowthPeriod.