
This table shows the total measures for the purchase order line and purchase schedule line actual fact:

Measure Mapping
Purchase Total Discount Amount Purchase Order Line Discount Amount + Purchase Schedule Line Actual Discount Amount
Purchase Total Discount Ratio Purchase Total Discount Amount / Purchase Total Gross Amount
Purchase Total Gross Amount Purchase Order Line Gross Amount + Purchase Schedule Line Actual Gross Amount
Purchase Total Gross Profit Purchase Order Line Gross Profit + Purchase Schedule Line Actual Gross Profit
Purchase Total Gross Profit Net Amount Ratio Purchase Total Gross Profit / Purchase Total Net Amount
Purchase Total Gross Profit Standard Cost Ratio Purchase Total Gross Profit / Purchase Total Standard Cost
Purchase Total Net Amount Purchase Order Line Net Amount + Purchase Schedule Line Actual Net Amount
Purchase Total Net Amount Ratio Purchase Total Net Amount / Purchase Total Gross Amount
Purchase Total Standard Cost Purchase Order Line Standard Cost + Purchase Schedule Line Actual Standard Cost