
The mapping guide describes the available attributes for each dimension.

This table shows the dimensions targeted by the sales schedule line facts:

Dimension Type Note
Buy-from BP Conformed tdsls301.bfbp from sales contract
Carrier LSP Conformed tdsls307.cfrw
Company Conformed tdsls307.compnr
Customer Item Domain specific tdsls311.citt Item Code System

tdsls311.ofbp Sold-to BP

tdsls311.item Item

External Sales Rep Conformed tdsls300.osrp from sales contract
Financial Company Conformed Financial company of Financial Department tdsls311.fdpt.
Intermediate Consignee Conformed tdsls307.imcs
Internal Sales Rep Conformed tdsls311.sllr Seller
Invoice-to BP Conformed tdsls311.itbp
Item Conformed tdsls307.item
Pay-by BP Conformed tdsls311.pfbp
Planner Conformed tdsls311.plan
Sales Contract Line Domain specific tdsls307.cono Contract

tdsls307.pono Line

tdsls307.cofc Sales Office

Sales Office Conformed tdsls311.cofc
Sales Schedule Line Domain specific tdsls307.schn Schedule

tdsls307.sctp Schedule Type

tdsls307.spon Schedule Position

tdsls307.revn Schedule Revision

Ship-from BP Conformed tdsls301.sfbp from sales contract
Ship-to Address Conformed tdsls307.stad
Ship-to BP Conformed tdsls307.stbp
Site Conformed
Sold-to Address Conformed tdsls311.ofad
Sold-to BP Conformed tdsls307.ofbp
Time Birst tdsls307.sdat Start Date

tdsls307.prdt Planned Receipt Date

Transaction Currency Conformed tdsls311.ccur
Transaction Unit Conformed tdsls307.cuqs
Warehouse Conformed tdsls307.cwar

You can analyze measures by Start date and Planned Receipt Date. Note that all dates are available in the Sales Schedule Line dimension.