Purchase Order Line

The Purchase Order Line fact includes measures based on Purchase Orders (tdpur400) and Purchase Order Lines (tdpur401).

The Purchase Order Lines (tdpur401) table stores deltail lines at the lowest level: you notice this for count measures and ratios that are based on count measures.

Transformation of extracted data:

Deleted lines
Deleted purchase order lines are stored in the Purchase Order Line fact table. Closed purchase order lines that are deleted are available for analysis. However, purchase order lines that are deleted that were not yet closed, are hidden in the fact table and not available for analysis.
Canceled lines
Canceled purchase order lines are stored in the fact table but are always hidden and not available for analysis.
Total lines
Purchase order lines can be of type order line, detail, back order, or total. Total lines are an aggregate of the detail delivery lines. Consequently, total lines are not stored in the fact table to avoid overcounting.
Change requests
Change requests are not stored in the fact table.

This diagram shows the star schema:

Purchase order line star schema