Amounts and currencies
Amount measures are available in 6 currency types. LN stores amounts in the 3 home currencies, or in the transaction currency. These table fields are automatically published in the IMS messages. Calculated fields are available to always publish amounts in home currencies (local, reporting 1, and reporting 2), reference currency, and data warehouse currency.
This naming convention is used:
- LC = Local currency
- RC1 = Reporting Currency 1
- RC2 = Reporting Currency 1
- RFC = Reference currency
- DWC = Data warehouse currency
- TC = Transaction currency
Home currencies (local, reporting 1 and 2) and the reference currency are defined in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session. Data warehouse currencies are defined in the Data Warehouse Parameters (tcgen0100m000) session. These currencies are available in the Company dimension. The transaction currency is defined on the transaction such as the sales order or purchase order. Note that Job Shop has no transaction currency.
Amount facts are semi-additive (SA). That is, they cannot always be summed across companies.
We make these recommendations:
- Data warehouse parameter setup should be such that all companies use the same currency and then amounts in data warehouse currency can be safely summed across all companies.
- Reference currency is typically also kept the same across companies and then amounts in reference currency can be summed across those companies.
- Do not sum amounts in, for example, Reporting Currency 1 across companies if these companies have a different Reporting Currency 1. Amounts in different currencies would be summed. Use the filter and the filter in dashboards to select only companies with the same currencies.
- Transaction amounts can be summed safely only after specifying a single currency in the filter.