
This table shows the taxonomy balance measures:

Measure Mapping Note
Credit Amount For transaction currency tfgld205.fcam, else tfgld205.fcah (1)
Credit Amount Including Non Finalized For transaction currency tfgld205.fcam + tfgdl205.ncam, else tfgld205.fcah + tfgdl205.ncah (1)
Credit Amount Including Non Finalized up to Previous Period For period 1 return 0, else sum all ‘Credit Amount Including Non Finalized’ till the previous period in the financial year (3)
Credit Amount up to Previous Period For period 1 return 0, else sum all ‘Credit Amount’ till the previous period in the financial year (3)
Debit Amount For transaction currency tfgld205.fdam, else tfgld205.fdah (1)
Debit Amount Including Non Finalized For transaction currency tfgld205.fdam + tfgld205.ndam, else tfgld205.fdah + tfgld205.ndah (1)
Debit Amount Including Non Finalized up to Previous Period For period 1 return 0, else sum all ‘Debit Amount Including Non Finalized’ till the previous period in the financial year (3)
Debit Amount up to Previous Period For period 1 return 0, else sum all ‘Debit Amount’ till the previous period in the financial year (3)
KPI Movement Movement or Movement Including Non Finalized, for a specific taxonomy account.

Filter Non-Finalized determines if Movement or Movement Including Non Finalized measure is shown. Default is Exclude Non-Finalized.

Filter Taxonomy KPI, lists the descriptions of taxonomy accounts that start with 'K'. For example, Revenue is listed for taxonomy account K001GAAP of taxonomy GAAP. Only taxonomy accounts are listed of the taxonomy selected in the filter Taxonomy-Version.

Supports standard taxonomies GAAP, HGB and IFRS.

Movement For transaction currency tfgld205.fdam – tfgld205.fcam

Else, tfgld205.fdah-tfgld205.fcah

Debit Amount minus Credit Amount

Movement Including Non Finalized For transaction currency tfgld205.fdam + tfgdl205.ndam – tfgld205.fcam – tfgld205.nfcam

Else, tfgld205.fdah + tfgld205.ndah -tfgld205.fcah – tfgld205.ncah.

Debit Amount Including Non Finalized - Credit Amount Including Non Finalized

Movement Including Non Finalized up to Previous Period For period 1, return 0. Else, sum all ‘Movement Including Non- Finalized’ till the previous period in the financial year (3)
Movement up to Previous Period For period 1, return 0. Else sum all ‘Movement’ till the previous period in the financial year (3)
Period Closing Balance Year Opening Amount + Movement up to Previous Period + Movement (3)
Period Closing Balance Including Non Finalized Year Opening Amount Including Non Finalized + Movement Including Non Finalized up to Previous Period + Movement Including Non Finalized (3)
Period Duration Period Duration of Financial Period:

For non-correction periods: End Date – Start Date + 1

For correction periods: 0

Period Opening Balance Year Opening Amount + Movement up to Previous Period (3)
Period Opening Balance Including Non Finalized Year Opening Amount Including Non Finalized + Movement Including Non Finalized up to Previous Period (3)
Taxonomy Balance Count Count of available tfgld205 records in LN
Year Opening Amount For transaction currency tfgld206.ftob, else tfgld206.fobh (2)
Year Opening Amount Including Non Finalized For transaction currency tfgld206.ftob + tfgld206.ntob, else tfgld206.fobh + tfgld206.nobh (2)
deleted Count
  • (1) Amounts facts are semi-additive (SA): amounts are available in 6 currency types (LC, RC1, RC2, RFC, DWC, TC). Amounts in transaction currency (TC) can only be summed safely by filtering Financial Balances for a specific transaction currency. Other amounts can be summed safely for a single company and for multiple companies that have the same currency and financial period setup.
    Note: The quantities are only semi-additive when you filter on:
    • The Period Type attribute of the Financial Period Dimension. Otherwise, amounts from the fiscal and reporting period are added together.
    • The Sublevel attributes of the Taxonomy Account and Dimension01 till Dimension12 dimensions when they are dragged into a report. Otherwise, amounts from sublevel 0 accounts and their parent accounts are added together.
  • (2) Year Opening Amounts facts are semi-additive (SA): amounts are available in 6 currency types (LC, RC1, RC2, RFC, DWC, TC). Year Opening Amounts are stored in the first period of the financial year. Amounts in the transaction currency (TC) can be summed safely only by filtering on Financial Balances for a specific transaction currency in one financial year. Other amounts can be summed safely for a single company and for multiple companies that have the same currency in the same financial year.
    Note: The Year Opening Amounts are only semi-additive when you filter on:
    • The Period Type and Year attributes of the Financial Period Dimension. Otherwise, year opening amounts from the fiscal and reporting period and year opening amounts from different years are added together.
    • The Sublevel attributes of the Taxonomy Account and Dimension01 till Dimension12 dimensions when they are dragged into a report. Otherwise, amounts from sublevel 0 accounts and their parent accounts are added together.
  • (3) Dimensional Expression to calculate aggregated report measures that are different than the grain of the Financial Balance table. The dimensional expressions calculate the YTD, opening balance, and closing balance for a particular year period. Therefore, the report must have a filter on Period Type, Year, and Period attributes of the Financial Period dimension. Additionally, the report measure must follow the aggregation rules of the dimensional expression’s underlying measures..