Quantities and units

Quantity measures are available in eight unit types.

Calculated fields are available to publish:

  • Quantities in the transaction unit for LN tables that only store quantities in the inventory unit.
  • Quantities in the inventory unit for LN tables that only store quantities in the transaction unit.
  • Quantities in six base units for all LN tables in our data sets.

This naming convention is used:

  • TU = Transaction Unit
  • IU = Inventory Unit
  • BUW = Base Unit Weight
  • BUL = Base Unit Length
  • BUA = Base Unit Area
  • BUV = Base Unit Volume
  • BUT = Base Unit Time
  • BUP = Base Unit Piece

Note: Job shop does not have a transaction unit.

Inventory units are defined in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

Base units for weight, length, area, volume and time are defined in the MCS Parameters (tcmcs0500m000) session. Base unit for piece is defined in the Data Warehouse Parameters (tcgen0100100) session. These base units are available in the Company dimension.

Note: Quantities can be summed safely for a single item and can be summed across items but only if they have the same inventory unit.

We make these recommendations:

  • MCS parameters and data warehouse parameter setup should be such that all companies use the same base units and then quantities in base units can be safely summed across items and companies.
  • You should not sum quantities in inventory unit (or transaction unit) across items/companies without setting a filter on the inventory unit or transaction unit. Without filter, quantities in different units would be summed.