List of Finance KPIs

A Finance KPI can be a:

  • Taxonomy account, either at sublevel 0 or at sublevel > 0. In the latter case, the aggregate amount is the sum of the child taxonomy accounts.
  • Formula, a definition of which taxonomy accounts are aggregated.

The measure that is used depends on the Finance KPI:

  • Movement for profit/loss taxonomy accounts (account type Income or Expense).
  • Period Closing Balance for balance taxonomy accounts (account type Asset or Liability).
  • Average Balance or Movement for other taxonomy accounts (account type Miscellaneous).

For a list of all taxonomy accounts and parent – child structures, see Taxonomies.

This table shows the available Finance KPIs and formulas/measures:

KPI KPI Description Formula/Measure Comment
K001 Revenues Movement
K002 Gross profit Movement Called Profit or loss before tax in IFRSTCA.
Note: IFRSTCA has K018 = Gross profit
K003 Operating expense GAAP: 0250PE + 0360PE + 0370PE + 0380PE

HGBCSM: 0240PE + 0350PE + 0370PE

HGBTCA: 0080PE + 0150PE + 0200PE

IFRSCSM: 0250PE + 0360PE + 0370PE

IFRSTCA: 0070PE + 0190PE


GAAP: Cost of sales + General & administrative expenses + R&D expenses + Other operating expense

HGBCSM: Cost of sales + General & administrative expenses + Other operating expenses

HGBTCA: Personnel + Depreciation + Other operating expenses

IFRSCSM: Cost of sales + General & administrative expenses + Other operating expenses

IFRSTCA: Personnel + Other operating expenses

K004 Operating income Movement
K005 Net profit/loss Movement
K006 Long-term assets Closing Balance
K007 Long-term investments Closing Balance
K008 Current assets Closing Balance
K009 Cash and bank balances Closing Balance
K010 Prepaid expenses Closing Balance
K011 Shareholders' equity Closing Balance
K012 Accrued expenses Closing Balance Called Provisions in HGB
K013 Long-term liabilities Closing Balance
K014 Current liabilities Closing Balance Called Short-term Payables in HGB
K015 Deferred revenues Closing Balance
K016 Capital 0010BA - K026

Closing Balance

Assets - Total Liabilities excl Shareholders Equity
K017 Working capital K008 - K014

Closing Balance

Current assets - Current liabilities
K018 Gross Profit IFRSTCA: K001 + 0040PE + 0020PI + 0030PI

(only for IFRSTCA)


IFRSTCA: Revenues + Materials + Other operating income + Changes in inventories or finished goods or WIP
Note: IFRSTCA has K002 = Profit or loss before tax
K019 Direct cost GAAP: 0030PE + 0090PE + 0180PE

HGBCSM: 0030PE + 0110PE + 0150PE + 0170PE

HGBTCA: 0040PE + 0170PE

IFRSCSM: 0030PE + 0090PE + 0170PE

IFRSTCA: 0040PE + 0160PE


GAAP: Materials + Special direct production cost + Depreciation on plant & factory equipment

HGBCSM: Materials + Materials overhead + Production overhead + Depreciation

HGBTCA: Materials + Depreciation plant & factory equipment

IFRSCSM: Materials + Special direct production cost + Depreciation

IFRSTCA: Materials + Depreciation plant & factory equipment

K020 Labor cost 0060PE + 0200PE

(not for TCA)


Direct material and manufacturing expense + production related general and administration cost
K021 Overhead GAAP: 0110PE + 0150PE

HGBCSM,IFRSCSM: 0110PE + 0150PE + 0200PE

(not for TCA)


GAAP: Materials overhead + Production overhead

HGBCSM, IFRSCSM: Materials overhead + Production overhead + Production related general & administrative cost

K022 Equity 0030BL

Closing Balance

GAAP: Bank loans and overdrafts

HGB, IFRS: Share capital

K024 Cost of goods sold GAAP, HGBCSM, IFRSCSM: Taxonomy Account K024

HGBTCA, IFRSTCA: Taxonomy Account K019


GAAP, HGBCSM, IFRSCSM: Cost of goods sold

HGBTCA, IFRSTCA: Direct cost

K026 Total liab ex sharehold equity GAAP: K012 + K013 + K014 + K015

HGB, IFRS: K012 + K013 + K014 + K015 + 0440BL

Closing Balance

GAAP: Accrued expenses + Long-term liabilities + Current liabilities + Deferred revenues

HGB, IFRS: Accrued expenses + Long-term liabilities + Current liabilities + Deferred revenues + Deferred tax

K027 Selling expense GAAP: 0250PE



(not for TCA)


Cost of sales
K028 Acid test (K008 - K044) / K014

Closing Balance

(Current assets - Inventories) / Current liabilities
K029 Return on capital employed (ROCE) K057/ (0010BA - K014)

Movement for K057

Average Balance for 0010BA and K014

EBIT / Capital employed =

EBIT / (Total assets - Current liabilities)

K030 Current ratio K008 / K014

Closing Balance

Current assets / Current liabilities
K031 Net value added ratio K005 / K037


Net profit or loss / Salary
K032 Operating margin

(= operating income to sales ratio)

K004 / K001


Operating income / Revenues
K033 Ratio of salary to profit K037 / K005


Salary / Net profit or loss
K034 Ratio of salary to revenue K037 / K001 Salary / Revenues
K035 Selling expense to sales ratio K027 / K001

(not for TCA)


Selling expense / Revenues
K036 Cost income ratio K003 / K004


Operating expense / Operating income
K037 Salary GAAP: 0070PE + 0270PE + 0351PE + 0361PE + 0371PE

HGBCSM: 0070PE + 0260PE + 0352PE + 0351PE + 0342PE


IFRSCSM: 0070PE + 0270PE + 0351PE + 0361PE + 0355PE



GAAP, HGBCSM, IFRSCSM: Wages + Salaries + Salaries finance + Salaries general & administrative + Salaries R&D

HGBTCA, IFRSTCA: Salary and wages

K043 Net profit/loss (balance) K005


Net profit or loss from income statement
K044 Inventories Closing Balance
K045 Gross profit margin K002 / K001


Gross profit / Revenues
K047 COGS to sales ratio K024 / K001


Cost of goods sold / Revenues
K048 OPEX to sales ratio K003 / K001


Operating expense / Revenues
K049 Gearing ratio K054 / K011

Closing Balance

Loans and borrowings / Shareholders' equity
K050 Purchases K024 + K044


Cost of goods sold + Inventories
K054 Loans and borrowings GAAP: 0230BL + 0030BL + 0070BL

IFRS: 0130BL + 0330BL + 0290BL

HGB: 0210BL + 0270BL + 0320BL + 0340BL

Closing Balance

GAAP, IFRS: Bonds and loans + Bank loans and overdrafts + Loans from directors

HGB: Bonds and loans + Bank loans and overdrafts + Loans from directors + Loans from associates

K055 Total energy consumption cost GAAP: 0155PE + 0345PE + 0352PE + 0377PE + 0378PE

HGBCSM: 0165PE + 0335PE + 0354PE + 0344PE + 0369PE

IFRSCSM: 0165PE + 0345PE + 0352PE + 0356PE + 0366PE

(not for TCA)


Energy consumption for production + Energy consumption sales + Energy consumption cost finance + Energy consumption cost R&D + Energy consumption general & administrative
K056 EBITDA K057 + K080 + K079


EBIT + Depreciation + Amortization
K057 EBIT(Operating Profit) GAAP: K005 + 0442PE + 0460PE + 0470PE + 0441PI

IFRSCSM: K005 + 0392PE + 0430PE + 0440PE + 0402PI

IFRSTCA: K005 + 0378PE + 0330PE + 0340PE + 0371PI

HGBCSM: K005 + 0470PE + 0530PE + 0540PE + 0430PI

HGBTCA: K005 + 0390PE + 0450PE + 0460PE + 0350PI


Net profit or loss + Interest expenditure + Income tax + Further taxes + Interest income
K065 R&D expenses Movement

(not for TCA)

K066 Inventory to sales ratio K044 / K001

Average Balance for K044 Movement for K001

K067 Warranty cost to sales ratio GAAP: 0374PE / K001


HGBCSM: 0325PE / K001

HGBTCA: 0287PE / K001

IFRSCSM: 0364PE / K001

IFRSTCA: 0284PE / K001

Warranty Cost / Revenues
K068 R&D cost to sales ratio K065 / K001

(not for TCA)


R&D expenses / Revenues
K070 Total net assets K006 + K017

Closing Balance

Long-term assets + Working capital
K071 Sell gen & adm cost to sales K072 / K001

(not for TCA)


Selling general and admin cost / Revenues
K072 Selling general and admin cost GAAP: 0250PE + 0360PE

HGBCSM: 0240PE + 0350PE

IFRSCSM: 0250PE + 0360PE

(not for TCA)


Cost of sales + General & administrative expenses
K073 Finance expenses Taxonomy Account

(not for TCA)


K074 Outb transp cost to COGS ratio K075 / K024

(not for TCA)


Outbound transportation cost / Cost of goods sold
K075 Outbound transportation cost GAAP,IFRSCSM: 0330PE + 0340PE

HGBCSM: 0320PE + 0330PE

(not for TCA)


Freight and packaging + Transport insurance
K077 Finance cost to sales ratio K073 / K001

(not for TCA)


Finance cost / Revenues
K079 Amortization GAAP: 0460BA + 0490BA + 0520BA + 0690BA

HGB: 0060BA + 0090BA + 0120BA

IFRS: 0230BA + 0260BA + 0290BA + 0320BA


GAAP: Accumulated depreciation on patents & trademarks & similar + Accumulated depreciation on R&D + Accumulated depreciation other expenditure + Accumulated depreciation on goodwill

HGB: Accumulated depreciation on own patents & trademarks + Accumulated depreciation on acquired patents & trademarks + Accumulated depreciation goodwill

IFRS: Accumulated depreciation patents & trademarks+ Accumulated depreciation R&D + Accumulated depreciation goodwill + Depreciation on other expenditure carried forward

K080 Acc depreciation tang assets GAAP: 0300BA + 0330BA + 0360BA + 0390BA + 0420BA

IFRS: 0070BA + 0100BA + 0130BA + 0160BA + 0190BA

HGB: 0180BA + 0210BA + 0240BA + 0300BA


GAAP, IFRS: Accumulated depreciation on land and buildings + Acc depreciation on plant and factory equipment + Accumulated depreciation on building and office equipment + Acc depreciation on other categories of PPE + Accumulated depreciation on PPE under construction or prepaid

HGB: Accumulated depreciation on land and buildings + Acc depreciation on plant and factory equipment + Accumulated depreciation on building and office equipment +

Accumulated depreciation on PPE under construction or prepaid

K081 Asset utilization K001 / 0010BA

Movement for K001

Average Balance for 0010BA

Revenues / Assets
K082 Cash-to-cash cycle time K083 + K085 – K084 Days inventory outstanding + Days sales outstanding - Days payable outstanding
K083 Days inventory outstanding

= Days sales of inventory

= Average inventory age

K044 / K024

Average Balance for K044

Movement for K024

(Inventories / Cost of goods sold) * number of days

See note (1)

K084 Days payable outstanding GAAP: 0110BL / K024

HGB: 0290BL / K024

IFRS: 0260BL / K024

Average Balance for Payables

Movement for K024

(Trade accounts and notes payables / Cost of goods sold) * number of days

See note (1)

K085 Days sales outstanding GAAP: 0080BA / K001

HGB: 0470BA / K001

IFRS: 0580BA / K001

Average Balance for Receivables

Movement for K001

(Receivables / Revenues) * number of days

See note (1)

K088 Inventory turns finished goods GAAP, IFRS: K024 / 0550BA

HGB: K024 / 0450BA

Movement for K024

Average Balance for Inventory

Cost of goods sold / Finished goods and merchandise
K089 Inventory turns raw material GAAP: K024 / 0150BA

HGB: K024 / 0430BA

IFRS: K024 / 0530BA

Movement for K024

Average Balance for Inventory

Cost of goods sold / raw materials and production supplies
K090 Inventory turns WIP GAAP: K024 / 0160BA

HGB: K024 / 0440BA

IFRS: K024 / 0540BA

Movement for K024

Average Balance for Inventory

Cost of goods sold / Work in progress
K091 Total inventory turns K024 / K044

Movement for K024

Average Balance for Inventory

Cost of goods sold / Inventories
K092 Return on fixed assets (ROFA) GAAP: K057 / 0260BA

HGB: K057 / 0140BA

IFRS: K057 / 0030BA

Movement for K057

Average Balance for Tangible assets

EBIT / Tangible assets
K093 Return on net assets (RONA) K005 / (K006 + K017)

Movement for K005

Average Balance for K006 and K017

Net profit or loss / (long-term assets + working capital)
K094 Return on total assets (ROTA) K057 / 0010BA

Movement for K057

Average Balance for 0010BA

EBIT / Assets

(1) The number of days is based on the reporting user variable LN_usr_ReportKPINumberOfPeriods.

The variable specifies the number of fiscal periods viewed backwards from the Financial Period shown in your report. For more details, see the Infor LN Analytics for Birst Administration Guide.