Workflow to set Program Cost Ledger user variables

This workflow sets the project user variables. The workflow contains the default values as specified by Infor. To change the variable values, you must clone the Infor-delivered workflow and make the changes in your cloned workflow. Changing Birst variables through this cloned workflow affects the ETL behavior.

Review the Infor-delivered variable values. To change the values, clone the Infor Workflow, change the values of the variables, and run the cloned workflow. If you change variable values again, rerun the workflow:

  1. Login as a user with the Birst-SystemAdministrator role.
  2. In Infor Ming.le, navigate to Birst in the App Menu.
  3. In Birst, click the Account Settings button.
  4. Select Orchestration to open the list of workflows.
  5. Select the LN Set Program Cost Ledger User Variables workflow.
  6. Click Actions > Clone Workflow.
  7. Select the cloned workflow and click Edit Workflow.
  8. Click Edit for a task, specify Variable Value, and click Done
  9. Save the cloned workflow
  10. Click Run Workflow for the cloned workflow.

Note: The workflow sets only the relevant extraction variables that are prefixed with LN_usr. Administrators have rights to change these user variables in the spaces themselves, but we recommend that the workflow is used. Administrators must not change any variable that is not prefixed by LN_usr. To go back to the Infor default values, you can run the Infor supplied workflow again.

This table lists the LN user variables, their spaces, and their default values. Typically, the default values can be used.

# LN User variable Space Value
1 LN_usr_ReprocessProjectActivityLevelKeys LN-Model-Project False
1 LN_usr_ReprocessProjectElementLevelKeys LN-Model-Project False
1 LN_usr_ReprocessProjectOBSLevelKeys LN-Model-Project False
2 LN_usr_StructureDescriptionLanguage LN-Model-Project en_US
3 LN_usr_TotalActivitySuffix LN-Model-Project (Total Sum)
3 LN_usr_TotalElementSuffix LN-Model-Project (Total Sum)

1 - LN_usr_ReprocessProjectActivityLevelKeys + LN_usr_ReprocessProjectElementLevelKeys + LN_usr_ReprocessProjectOBSLevelKeys

The Project Activity, Project Element, and Project OBS dimensions contain a parent-tree structure. This parent-tree structure is updated when the LN-Project space is processed. This should occur without any issues. The reprocessing variables allow reprocessing of the complete parent tree structure without re-extracting the dimension data from the data lake in case issues are encountered in the parent tree structure.

The allowed values are True or False.

2 - LN_usr_StructureDescriptionLanguage

The Project Activity, Project Element, and Project OBS dimensions contain a parent-tree structure. For these parent tree structures, an ID Desc attribute is delivered for which one data language must be specified. The value of this variable must be one of the five locales as specified in the data catalog. See Locale selections.

The impact of a new value becomes visible after the LN-Project space is processed again.

3 - LN_usr_TotalActivitySuffix + LN_usr_TotalElementSuffix

In a Project Activity or Project Element parent tree structure, the activity or element which is also a parent activity or parent element, is shown both as a parent and as an individual with its own measures. A parent is suffixed with the value of the LN_usr_TotalActivitySuffix and LN_usr_TotalElementSuffix variables. The impact of a new value becomes visible after the Project space is processed again.

For example, Project Activity A with description ‘A Desc’ has parent Project Activity B with description ‘B Desc’. On Activity A, 10 USD is booked. On Activity B, 20 USD is booked. If the value of the variable LN_usr_TotalActivitySuffix is (Total Sum), these values are displayed in the report:

  • Activity A with description ‘A Desc’ has a measure of 10 USD.
  • Activity B with description ‘B Desc’ has a measure of 20 USD.
  • Activity B (Total Sum) with description ‘B Desc (Total Sum)’ has a measure of 30 USD.