MLE is enabled

If MLE is enabled or you want to use MLE in the future, we recommend this locale selection setup in ION Desk:

  • On position 1, specify the LN base language or future LN base language as Locale Code.

    The Locale Code format is ISO 639 Language ‘_’ ISO 3166-1 Country, even if the base language only has two characters in LN. For example, if the base language in LN is nl, you must still specify nl_NL as locale code.

    For the Locale Code Search List specify the Locale Code and include these fallback languages:
    • LN base language (only if the base language does not match the five-character locale code), followed by en_US.
    • Fallback languages in the Locale Code Search List. Use a comma as a separator, for example, nl_NL, nl, en_US.
  • On position 2 till 5, you can optionally add other locales.

    If English is not the base language, you must add Locale Code en_US, because this is a mandatory locale code. For the Locale Code Search List, specify en_US and include these fallback languages:

    • LN data language (only if English is an LN data language and the LN data language is not en_US), followed by the LN base language.
    • Fallback languages in the Locale Code Search List. Use a comma as a separator, for example, en_US, en, nl

    On the other positions, you can add other LN data languages, but this is not required.

    The Locale Code format is ISO 639 Language ‘_’ ISO 3166-1 Country, even if the LN data language only has two characters. For example, if the data language is de in LN, you must still specify de_DE as locale code.

    For the Locale Code Search List, specify the Locale Code and include these fallback languages:
    • LN data language (only if the LN data language does not match the five-character locale code), followed by the LN base language, followed by en_US.
    • Fallback languages in the Locale Code Search List. Use a comma as a separator, for example, de_DE, de, nl, en_US.
  • Locales on position 6 or higher are not used in LN Analytics.

This diagram shows an example of the locale selection where MLE is enabled and the LN base language is nl_NL. Locale en_US is also mandatory. The other locales are selected by the customer:

MLE enabled

If MLE is enabled, the LN base language is specified as nl (not nl_NL), and the other LN data languages are also specified with two characters, this diagram shows the locale selection:

MLE enabled 2