Analytics Products
Run this workflow if you use the Foundation, Program Cost Ledger, and Quality Management products. The combined workflow is more efficient than separately running workflows for each product.
You can manually run the workflow, but scheduling is recommended. To schedule the workflow:
- Login as a user with the Birst-SystemAdministrator role
- In Infor Ming.le, navigate to Birst in the menu.
- In Birst, click the button.
- Select to open the list of workflows.
- Select the LN Analytics Extract and Process workflow.
- Select the action.
- Click .
- Click .
- Specify Repeats and their frequencies.
- Save your schedule.
- Regularly review Run History to see the status, run type, start time and duration.
Processing space LN-Extraction will result in warnings for data
source LN_bpmdm001 (Employee People Data): “Line Processing
problem: 1, column: cedt - [0001-01-01] (Couldn’t process Date/DateTime – Value
will be replaced with NULL)”
Warnings are displayed for columns cedt (Contract End Date), daob (Date of Birth), edte (Last Date of Employment) and sdte (First Date of Employment). Date 0 from LN cannot be stored in the Birst data warehouse and is replaced with NULL. These warnings can be ignored and will be resolved in a next release.