Publish data

Test publishing 1 record for one or more tables:

  1. Start the Publish Data (ttdpm5205m000) session.
  2. Select the All Data Sets option.
  3. Select the Publish Initial Load option for one or more companies and tables.
  4. Select the Publish option and set the Limited to field to 1 Records (means 1 record per table).
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Click View to inspect the log file. The log file has the counts per company and table for published tables.
  7. Click View to inspect the error file.
  8. If you see publish errors such as “Currency rate not defined between currency EUR and home currency USD for rate type INT on date 15-Mar-2017” you are missing a currency rate for the data warehouse currency and exchange rate type. Add and approve currency rates in the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session. For the error in the example, use currency base USD, currency EUR, exchange rate type INT and an effective date before 15-Mar-2017.
  9. To see if ION handled the published messages, navigate to ION Desk and select OneView. Specify Last Hour for the Date and Time Range filter and click Search.
  10. Check if documents were received for each company or table published from LN. No documents are shown in OneView if no records are published for any LN company.