Drill back

LN has a fixed list of sessions that you can drill back to from Birst, but the list of drill back sessions can be extended.

To extend drill backs in LN:

  1. In LN, navigate to Tools > Integration Tools > View Modeler.
  2. Start the View Modeler (tlvwm0601m000) session.
  3. Go to the View Sets node and right-click New… to add a custom view set.
  4. As the View Set, specify Custom_ERP(<package combination>), for example Custom_ERP(1060013).
  5. Go to View Sets > Standard_ERP > BirstStandardView. Right-click, and select Copy.
  6. Go to View Sets > Custom_ERP(<package combination>). Right-click, and select Paste.
  7. Go to View Sets > Custom_ERP(<package combination>) > Sessions. Right-click, and select New to extend the list of sessions.

There is no need to export the view set and import it in Infor Ming.le.

Note: The custom view set overrides the standard view set. If Infor LN delivers an updated standard view set with new sessions, the custom view set is not updated automatically. Ensure that you rebuild your custom view set to have both the new standard sessions and your custom sessions.

To add drill backs to Birst reports:

  1. In Birst, select the LN-Consumer space and start Visualizer.
  2. In Visualizer, go to Advanced Tools > Report-Level Drilling.
  3. Click Add Drill Path.
  4. Specify the column to drill back on, for example Production Order.Production Order.
  5. Select type Hyperlink and Open in Same Window.
  6. Specify the URL using BQL syntax, for example: IIF([Production Order.deleted]=0,'?LogicalId=' + GETVARIABLE('LN_rep_LogicalID') + '/' + [Company.Company] + '&ViewId=BirstStandardView&Session=Production Order&ID1=’ + [ProductionOrder.Production Order],'')

    These elements play a role:

    • Adding IIF([Production Order.deleted]=0,<URL>,'') creates a conditional hyperlink: if a production order is deleted in LN then the URL will be empty and no hyperlink is shown in the report.
    • Variable LN_rep_LogicalID is populated from LN through the JSON message LN_ttdpm530 that is published for IMS parameters in LN and is used by Infor Ming.le to switch from Birst to LN.
    • Adding Company.Company to the logical ID allows LN to switch to the company, if the user is authorized to that company.
    • The ViewId parameter has BirstStandardView as a fixed value.
    • The Session parameter is compared to the Condition field of the session that is defined in the View Modeler in LN.
    • The ID1 parameter is used in the Filter field of the session that is defined in the View Modeler in LN. You can use up to five identifier parameters: ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4, ID5.

This is a drill path example at runtime:

'?LogicalId=lid://infor.ln.ln03/467&ViewId=BirstStandardView&Session=Production Order&ID1=KNE000002'