Guidelines on which roles to give to users

Based on the information in the space group sections, consider these guidelines:

Scenario Required IFS Security Roles
User is the administrator of the Birst account for the tenant; space administrator of all pre-delivered content spaces; can run workflows. Birst-System-Administrator
User is space administrator of the pre-delivered model spaces and the extraction space. LNBIRST-Model-Administrator
User can add extensibility to the Extensibility space. LNBIRST-Model-Administrator
User is space administrator of the pre-delivered Consumer space. LNBIRST-Consumer-Administrator
User does not have access to all companies in LN but is allowed to see data of all LN companies in dashboards and reports. LNBIRST-Exemption All Security
User can see and create only domain- related dashboards and reports such as Job Shop. LNBIRST-User

Domain user role such as LNBIRST-Job Shop

User can create reports on all subject areas and create global saved expressions. LNBIRST-User

LNBIRST-Report Administrator