Importing standard taxonomies

To import taxonomies:

  1. From the Infor Support Portal, download 2022.06 Taxonomies LN from KB article 2026400. Do not use a higher or lower version. Unzip the downloaded file.
    Note: the taxonomies are the same as 2021.11 Taxonomies LN ANALYTICS. Only the version number was changed to 2022.06.
    The downloaded file contains taxonomies and taxonomy accounts for:
    • GAAP: US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
    • HGB: German
    • IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard

    For IFRS and HGB, the expense methods Cost of Sales Management (CSM) and Total Cost Accounting (TCA) are available.

    Each taxonomy comes with a Cash Flow taxonomy.

    You import all taxonomies and taxonomy accounts, but only map ledger accounts to taxonomy accounts. Only activate those taxonomies that you plan to use in LN Analytics:

    Taxonomy Description
    GAAPCF GAAP Cash Flow
    HGBCSM HGB Cost of Sales Management
    HGBTCA HGB Total Cost Accounting
    IFRSCSM IFRS Cost of Sales Management
    IFRSTCA IFRS Total Cost Accounting
  2. In LN, navigate to Financials > Master Data > General Ledger > Structure to start the Taxonomies (tfgld1170m000) session.
    If you have not previously imported, mapped, and released taxonomies, you must import taxonomies:
    1. Select Export and Import > Import on the Action menu.
    2. In the Import form, browse to the downloaded Taxonomies.xlsx file.
    3. Ensure the Overwrite Existing Records and Add New Records check boxes are selected and click Import.

    If you have previously imported, mapped, and released taxonomies, to preserve existing mappings:

    1. Select your taxonomy and click Duplicate.
    2. Answer Yes to the question “Also copy the account structure?”
    3. Change the description to include the latest release number and click Save. For example, change the description from “GAAP 2021.11” to “GAAP 2022.06”. Changing the description can serve as an indication that you have upgraded your taxonomies.
  3. To import taxonomy accounts, navigate to the taxonomy accounts of the imported GAAP taxonomy in the Taxonomies (tfgld1170m000) session.
  4. Select Export and Import > Import on the Action menu of the Taxonomy Accounts tab.
    Note: Do not use import in the Action menu of the taxonomy. Ensure to use the Action menu on the Taxonomy Accounts tab.

    In the Import form, browse to the Taxonomy Accounts GAAP.xlsx file. Ensure the Overwrite Existing Records and Add New Records check boxes are selected and click Import.

    If you have previously imported, mapped, and released taxonomies, ignore the warning “Some rows did not change the session data during Import from Excel. Check the import messages in the import result file”, which is displayed after import.

  5. Repeat for each taxonomy.