Workflow to set reporting user variables

This workflow sets the reporting-related variables. The workflow contains the default values as specified by Infor. To change the variable values, you must clone the Infor-delivered workflow and make the changes in your cloned workflow. Changing Birst variables through the cloned workflow affects the extraction behavior.

Review the Infor-delivered variable values. To change the values, clone the Infor Workflow, change the values of the variables, and run the cloned workflow. If you change variable values again, rerun the workflow:

  1. Login as a user with the Birst-SystemAdministrator role.
  2. In Infor Ming.le, navigate to Birst in the App Menu.
  3. In Birst, click the Account Settings button.
  4. Select Orchestration to open the list of workflows.
  5. Select the LN Set Reporting User Variables workflow.
  6. Click Actions > Clone Workflow.
  7. Select the cloned workflow and click Edit Workflow.
  8. Click Edit for a task, specify Variable Value, and click Done
  9. Save the cloned workflow
  10. Click Run Workflow for the cloned workflow.

Note: The workflow sets only the relevant extraction variables that are prefixed with LN_usr. Administrators have rights to change these user variables in the spaces themselves, but we recommend that the workflow is used. Administrators must not change any variable that is not prefixed by LN_usr. To go back to the Infor default values, you can run the Infor supplied workflow again.

This table lists the LN user variables and their default values for the LN-Extraction space. Typically, the default values can be used.

# LN User variable Value
1 LN_usr_ReportCalculationOfficeFilter 1
2 LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingDaysBucket 10
LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingHoursBucket 4
3 LN_usr_ReportDefaultCurrencyType RFC
4 LN_usr_ReportDefaultUnitType IU
5 LN_usr_ReportDocumentationURL
LN_usr_ReportDocumentationVersion latest
6 LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesNotYetDue 1
LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket1 5
LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket2 10
LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket3 25
LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket4 50
LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket5 50
LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket6 50
7 LN_usr_ReportKPINumberOfPeriods 12
8 LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket1 30
LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket2 60
LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket3 90
LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket4 99999
LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket5 0
LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket6 0
9 LN_usr_ReportNewCustomerBucket Quarter
LN_usr_ReportNewSupplierBucket Quarter
LN_usr_ReportNewItemBucket Year
10 LN_usr_ReportPurchaseBucketEarlyHours 4
LN_usr_ReportPurchaseBucketLateHours 4
11 LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketAmount1 100,000
LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketAmount2 200,000
LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketAmount3 500,000
LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketAmount4 1,000,000
12 LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketEarlyHours 4
LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketLateHours 4
13 LN_usr_ReportSalesGrowthPeriod Quarter
14 LN_usr_ReportTopRecords 100

1 - LN_usr_ReportCalculationOfficeFilter

LN Analytics 2021.11 and earlier versions list all work centers in the Calculation Office filter of the Job Shop dashboards.

The reason for this is that not all customers updated the work center fields Work Center Type and Use as Calculation Office, which were introduced in LN in 2016.

Now, customers can specify a variable to reduce the list of work centers that are shown in the calculation office filter, based on the status of the work center fields.

These variables are available:

  • Value 1: For all calculation office work centers, the Work Center Type filter is set to Costing and Use as Calculation Office is set to Yes. This is the recommended setup and results in the shortest list of work centers in the calculation office filter. Value 1 is the default for variable LN_usr_ReportCalculationOfficeFilter.
  • Value 2: For all calculation office work centers, the Work Center Type filter is set to Costing and Use as Calculation Office is not always set to Yes. This is the second best setup and results in a smaller list of work centers in the calculation office filter.
  • Value 3: Not for all calculation office work centers, the Work Center Type filter is set to Costing and Use as Calculation Office is set to Yes. The calculation office filter lists all work centers as in LN Analytics 2021.11 and earlier versions.

2 - LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingDaysBucket + LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingHoursBucket

Users can set the Aging Days Bucket filter that is used in saved expressions to set the length of the bucket. If the filter is not set, then the value of the LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingDaysBucket variable is used.

Users can set the Aging Days Hours filter that is used in saved expressions to set the length of the bucket. If the filter is not set, then the value of the LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingHoursBucket variable is used.

3 - LN_usr_ReportDefaultCurrencyType

Users can set the Currency Type filter that is used for saved expressions on amounts. If the filter is not set, then the default currency type variable is used.

This variable is important when aggregating amounts across companies. Select a currency type that has the same currency across all companies. Typically, this is the reference currency. If this is not the case, and you set up a data warehouse currency in LN, then change the default currency type to DWC.

These values are allowed:

  • LC = Local currency
  • RC1 = Reporting Currency 1
  • RC2 = Reporting Currency 1
  • RFC = Reference currency
  • DWC = Data warehouse currency

4 - LN_usr_ReportDefaultUnitType

Users can set the Unit Type filter that is used for saved expressions on quantities. If the filter is not set, then the default unit type variable is used.

This variable is important when aggregating quantities across items or companies. Select one of the base unit types instead of the default unit type IU.

These values are allowed:

  • TU = Transaction Unit *
  • IU = Inventory Unit *
  • BUW = Base Unit Weight
  • BUL = Base Unit Length
  • BUA = Base Unit Area
  • BUV = Base Unit Volume
  • BUT = Base Unit Time
  • BUP = Base Unit Piece

5 - LN_usr_ReportDocumentationURL + LN_usr_ReportDocumentationVersion

Buttons on the landing page provide access to the administration guide, user guide and LN documentation. The URL is constructed using the variables LN_usr_ReportDocumentationURL, ReportDocumentationVersion, and the user locale.

It is not required to change the defaults unless you install documentation on a local server or install LN Analytics on premises, requiring you to specify the LN version.

6 - LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesBucket (1,2,3,4,5,6) + LN_usr_ReportEstimatePercentageUncollectableReceivablesNotYetDue

The non-payment probability increases with age. The uncollectable amount is estimated by assigning percentages to each age bucket and summing the estimated unpaid amounts for each age bucket.

The default buckets with estimate percentages are: Not yet due (1%), 1-30 days (5%), 31-60 days (10%), 61-90 days (25%), 91-99999 days (50%).

In addition to Not yet due, 6 buckets can be configured. The default uses only 4 buckets.

The estimate percentages 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 can be changed for Not Yet Due and the other 6 buckets.

7 - LN_usr_ReportKPINumberOfPeriods

Specifies the number of fiscal periods that are used to calculate several KPIs for the taxonomy balance. The number of days is calculated for the number of periods and the number of days is used in these KPI formulas:

  • Days inventory outstanding = (Inventories / Cost of goods sold) * number of days
  • Days payable outstanding = (Trade accounts and notes payables / Cost of goods sold) * number of days
  • Days sales outstanding = (Receivables / Revenues) * number of days

Indirectly this variable is also used in this formula:

Cash-to-cash cycle time = Days inventory outstanding + Days sales outstanding - Days payable outstanding.

8 - LN_usr_ReportOverdueBucket (1,2,3,4,5,6)

The non-payment probability increases with age. The uncollectable amount is estimated by assigning percentages to each age bucket and summing the estimated unpaid amounts for each age bucket.

The default buckets with estimate percentages are: Not yet due (1%), 1-30 days (5%), 31-60 days (10%), 61-90 days (25%), 91-99999 days (50%).

In addition to Not yet due, 6 buckets can be configured. The default uses only 4 buckets.

For each of the 6 buckets, the last day i.e. 30, 60, 90, and 99999 can be changed.

9 - LN_usr_ReportNewCustomerBucket + LN_usr_ReportNewSupplierBucket + LN_usr_ReportNewItemBucket

If a customer is new in a certain quarter, then all sales order lines in that quarter count as new customer sales. After the quarter, sales order lines are considered repeat customer sales.

If a supplier is new in a certain quarter, then all purchase order lines in that quarter count as new supplier purchases. After the quarter, purchase order lines are considered repeat supplier purchases.

New item and repeat item are calculated in the same way.

The default bucket is set to Quarter for customers, Quarter for suppliers, and Year for items. The default bucket can be changed to Year, Quarter, or Month.

10 - LN_usr_ReportPurchaseBucketEarlyHours + LN_usr_ReportPurchaseBucketLateHours

Variables are used to qualify delivered purchase schedule lines as Early, On Time, and Late.

The default is 4 hours.

Note: variables are not used for purchase order lines.

11 - LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketAmount (1, 2, 3, 4)

Deals in sales can be placed in up to 5 buckets. The 4 bucket boundaries are defined in these user report variables. Less buckets are also allowed. In this case, use the same value for different user report variables.

The default is to have 4 bucket boundaries: 100k, 200k, 500k and 1M.

The resulting 5 buckets are: 0-100K, 100K-200K, 200K-500K, 500K-1M, ≥1M.

12 - LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketEarlyHours + LN_usr_ReportSalesBucketLateHours

Variables are used to qualify delivered sales schedule lines as Early, On Time, and Late.

The default is 4 hours.

Note: variables are not used for sales order lines.

13 - LN_usr_ReportSalesGrowthPeriod

The Sales Growth Amount measure compares the net amount of the sales order lines in the current quarter with the sales order lines in the previous quarter. The default period is set to Quarter but can be changed to Year or Month.

14 - LN_usr_ReportTopRecords

Detail reports show individual fact records in a table format. All records that match filter criteria are loaded. Depending on your data, this can take some time. Usually, you will not evaluate many individual fact records. Variable LN_usr_ReportTopRecords is used to return only the top N rows from a set of data. The default value is 100.

Individual users can use the 'Top N Records’ filter to change the number of records visible in a report.

Grand summary bars in the reports are associated with the entire result set.