Advance shipment notices

An advance shipment notice (ASN) provides details of shipments that are about to arrive. ASNs can make the receipt process much more efficient. Instead of having to scan an entire conveyance, warehouse personnel can receive a shipment against a previously received ASN. Therefore, the use of ASNs makes the receipt process faster and less prone to error.

To view and maintain details of a shipment notice, select Details from the appropriate menu in the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session. To view and maintain details of a shipment notice including related data such as shipment notice lines, routings, and packaging, double-click the shipment notice to open the Shipment Notice (whinh3600m000) session.

ASNs are sent by ship-from business partners to register information about goods that are due to arrive. The ASN header contains information about the conveyance, shipper, supplier, and time of arrival.

ASNs can be received by EDI or created manually. ASNs that you add manually obtain the Scheduled Manually status.