tszzzz domains

Not Applicable
Regular Time
Company Owned
Customer Owned
Return as Issued
Not Applicable
Generate Planned Activity
Generate Maintenance Sales Order
Generate Work Order
Generate Quote
Generate Service Order Quote
Generate Part Maintenance Quote Request
Generate Service Order
Generate Follow-up

LN prints the report listing the notifications within the selection. When this option is selected all other fields on the form are disabled.

Preview Selected Notifications

LN transfers the selected notifications.

Serialized Item
All Lines
Only lines for which:
Local System
  • If this option is selected and the HTML5 client is not used; the log file is created in the user's system. You can select the directory to save the file.
  • If this option is selected and the HTML5 client is used, you cannot access the directory structure, because in a HTML5 environment, the files are automatically downloaded to the download folder. However, the user is prompted to confirm the download. LN generates the file name that includes time stamp, user name and originating session code.

If this option is selected and the Multi-tenant cloud environment is used, you can only access the directory on the server which is the $BSE\Appdata directory. You must provide a subdirectory name and LN checks if the subdirectory exists.

If this option is selected and the Multi-tenant cloud environment is not used, the operating system can be either:

  • Unix : If LN is running on a Unix server, to save the file, LN first considers the home directory of the user who accesses the tsspc4200m000 session. If the home directory is not available, LN considers the bse.tmp.dir$(), which is the $BSE/tmp directory. LN considers this directory as the full path or as a relative path to save the file.
  • Windows: If LN is running on a windows server, the home directory is not available and LN considers the bse.tmp.dir$(), which is the $BSE/tmp directory. LN considers this directory as the full path or as a relative path to save the file.
Not Applicable