Subcontract Management Parameters (tssbm0100m000)

This session contains:

  • A history list of parameter sets and their effective dates. The most recent parameter sets are at the end of the list.
  • The current parameter set, at the top of the list (without an effective date). To view historical sets, double-click one of the historical parameter sets. You can use the Print Service Parameters (tsmdm0400m000) session to print and compare the parameter sets.

To view or change the current parameters, double-click the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list. The Subcontract Management Parameters (tssbm0100m000) details session starts.

If you make changes and save the new parameter setting, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set at the end of the history list.
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list).
Note: By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter setting was saved. To avoid confusion, if you change the parameters, change or delete the default Description text.

Field Information

Effective Date

The date and time from which the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of the most recent parameter setting.


The description of the parameter set. For example, the reason why the previous setting was changed.

Number Group

number group

Default Description

The description for the subcontract agreements that are generated by service contracts. In Subcontract agreement entity, description is a mandatory field. When the subcontract agreements are generated from service contracts, the description for the subcontract agreement must be entered.