Print Where-used Item Breakdown Components (tscfg1410m100)

Use this session to print in which item breakdown the components (child items) are used.

Note: You can also use the Item Breakdowns - Where-used Components (tscfg1510m100) session to display the components on screen.

Field Information


Selects the levels of items that you print.

Check Effectivity

If this check box is selected, LN only prints the components (child items) that are valid on the date entered in the Effective On field.

Note: Refer to the Effective Time field and the Execution Time field in the Item Breakdowns (tscfg1110m000) session.
Effective On

If the Check Effectivity check box is selected, LN only prints the components (child items) that are valid on this date.

Note: Refer to the Effective Time field and the Execution Time field in the Item Breakdowns (tscfg1110m000) session.