Replace Item in Item Breakdowns (tscfg1210m000)

Use this session to replace or delete an item (component) from an item breakdown. You can replace or delete the item from a range of item breakdowns simultaneously.

  • You can indicate whether the replaced or deleted item must be removed from the item breakdown.

Field Information


The item that is being replaced or deleted.


The description of the item being replaced.


The item that replaces the old item.

If you leave this field empty, the old item will be deleted or set to expired, depending on the Retain Old Item check box.

Note: If this field is cleared, the following message appears: No new item will be added. Old item will be expired.

The description of the new item that replaces the old item.

Effective Time

The time when the old item will be replaced with the new item, or deleted.

Retain Old Item

If this check box is selected, the old item will not be deleted from the item breakdown list, but will expire. LN automatically enters the expiry time for the old item. You can use the expiry time for historic purposes.

If this check box is cleared, LN overwrites the item-breakdown line of the old item.

Note: If the effective time is later than the current date, LN selects and disables this check box.
From Item Breakdown

The start value for the range of items that will have the selected item replaced or deleted from their item breakdowns.

To Item Breakdown

The end value for the range of items that will have the selected item replaced or deleted from their item breakdowns.

Process Report
Error Report