Cost Details Activity Budget (Material) (tpptc2123m000)

Use this session to maintain the cost details of the activity budget (material) lines.


The data in this session is defaulted from the Activity Budget (Material) (tpptc2110m000)session if while generating budget the option Cost Component has been used. You can only modify the value in the Amount field.

Field Information


The code of the project linked to the activity budget (material) line.


The description or name of the code.


The plan linked to the activity.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the activity linked to the activity budget line.


The description or name of the code.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the item.


The item linked to the activity.


The description or name of the code.

Effectivity Unit

The effectivity unit applicable for the item.


The description or name of the code.

Budget Line

The line number of the activity budget.


The currency of the activity budget.

Total Cost Details

The sum of all the cost detail amounts for the activity budget.

Note: If you modify the value in the Amount field, LN recalculates this value.

The difference between the unit cost of the item and the amount per unit in the cost details of the activity budget line.

Note: If you modify the value in the Amount field, LN recalculates this value.
Cost Component

The cost component linked to the activity budget. For each of the cost components present for an item, a corresponding line is displayed.


The description or name of the code.

Cost Component Type

The type of cost component that is linked to the activity budget.

Allowed values


Used to collect costs defined for the specified cost component.

Optional for a valid cost component scheme.


Used to define costs or rates that are not specifically defined in the cost component scheme. None-specific costs are collected on the related collect cost component.

Note: A valid cost component scheme must have one cost component of the type Collect with the General Costs.

Used to aggregate detail and collect cost components by type: materials, operations, surcharges and general. Each cost component scheme must have an aggregate cost component for each of the types.

Note: A valid cost component scheme must have aggregated cost components specified for all four component types.

The total amount of the activity budget.


The currency in which the amount for the activity budget is specified.