External Scheduling Tasks (tppss2133m000)

Use this session to view the task related project data linked to the external scheduling package.


The data in this session is populated from the External Scheduling Interface (tppss2231m000) session, when you import/ export the LN project data from/ to an external scheduling interface.

Field Information


The code of the project for which the external scheduling package is used.


The description or name of the code.


The plan that must be used for the import or export of the project data to or from an external scheduling package.


The description or name of the code.

Connection Node

The activity or node of the Infor LN Project (related to tasks) that must be connected to the activity or node of a project in the external scheduling package. If you link a complete project in LN to a project in the external scheduling package, this node is not specified.


The description or name of the code.


The activity linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Budget Type

The budget type linked to the activity.

Allowed values

Sundry Costs
Not Applicable

The line number of the activity.


The level of the activity in the project.

Parent Activity

The parent activity to which the activity is linked.


The description or name of the code.


The Object linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Start Date

The date and time when the project is scheduled to start.

Finish Date

The date and time when the project is scheduled to end.

Unit Determinator

The entity based on which the project performance is measured and monitored.

Duration in Hours

The expected time in hours that is required for the project to be executed.


The expected time required for the project to be executed.

Time Unit Duration

The unit in which the duration of the project is expressed.


The quantity of the resources required to carry out the task.


The unit in which the quantity is expressed.

Resource Quantity

The quantity of the resources required to carry out the tasks in the project.

Resource Unit

The unit in which the resource quantity is expressed.

Schedule Mode

The method in which the project is scheduled.

Allowed values

Auto Scheduled

The task is exported to XML based on automatic planning. When this option is used, the tag in the XML contains the value 0.

Manually Scheduled

The task is exported to XML based on manual planning. When this option is used, the tag in the XML contains the value 1.

Note: If this option is selected, the Manual Start date, Manual Finish date and Manual duration are set.

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Early Start Date

The earliest date and time when the project can be scheduled to start.

Late Start Date

The late date and time when the project can be scheduled to start.

Early Finish Date

The earliest date and time when the project can be scheduled to end.

Late Finish Date

The late date and time when the project can be scheduled to end.

Free Float in Hours

The float time in the project. This is expressed in hours.

Total Float in Hours

The total float time in the project. This is expressed in hours.

Actual Start Date

The date and time when the project starts.

Actual Finish Date

The date and time when the project ends.

Constraint Type

The type of constraint applicable for the activities in the project.

Allowed values

As Soon As Possible
As Late As Possible
Must Start On
Must Finish On
Start No Earlier Than
Start No Later Than
Finish No Earlier Than
Finish No Later Than
Constraint Date

The date and time when the constraint type is applicable.

Deadline Date

The date and time when the project must be completed.

Unit Cost in Budget Currency

The unit cost associated with the activity of the project. This is expressed in the currency that is linked to the budget.


The currency to express the unit cost.

Cost in Budget Currency

The cost associated with the activity of the project. This is expressed in the currency that is linked to the budget.

Budget Currency ISO Code

The ISO code of the budget currency


The description or name of the code.

Cost in ESP Currency

The cost associated with the activity of the project. This is expressed in the currency that is supported by the external scheduling package (ESP).

Currency ESP

The currency that is supported by the external scheduling package.

Work in Hours

The duration in which the work is planned to be completed. This is expressed in hours.

Actual Work in Hours

The actual duration in which the work is completed. This is expressed in hours.

Remaining Work in Hours

The remaining work to be completed. This is expressed in hours.

Actual Duration in Hours

The actual duration of the work. This is expressed in hours.


Indicates if a milestone is associated with the activity of the project.

Primary Key

The primary key associated with the activity of the project in the external scheduling package.

ESP Reference

The reference number linked to the external scheduling package (ESP).

Percent Complete

The percentage of project data synchronization completed with the external scheduling package.

ESP Parent Reference

The parent number of a Task in ESP.

Resource Primary Key

The primary key of the resource linked to the project in the external scheduling package.

ESP Assignment Reference

The reference number of the assignments in the external scheduling package.

ESP Resource Reference

The reference number of the resource in the external scheduling package.


The calendar used by the external scheduling package.


The description or name of the code.

Calendar Availability Type

The calendar availability type used by the external scheduling package.


The description or name of the code.

ESP Base Calendar Reference

The reference number of the base calendar in the external scheduling package.

OBS Code

The code of the organization breakdown structure (OBS) linked to the activity of the project.

OBS Element

The organization breakdown structure element that is linked to activity of the project

OBS ESP Reference

The reference number of the OBS in the external scheduling package.


The identification number of the GUI that is linked to the external scheduling package.

ESP GUI sub id

The sub identification number of GUI that is linked to the external scheduling package.

Task exists in XML

Indicates if the task data exists in the XML file.

Synchronization Status

The status of the synchronization of the LN project data with the external scheduling package.

Allowed values

Transfer to XML

Indicates if the task data is transferred or saved to the XML file.