Bid Lines (tpest3110m000)

Use this session to see selected estimate lines for the bid. If you want to change bid lines, you have to go back to the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session, add or change it, and start Prepare Bid again. Regard Prepare Bid as an update of the selection. If you want to add bid lines you have two ways to do so:

  • Prepare a bid in the Prepare Bid (tpest3210m000) session. Use this session to select estimate lines that have a structure.
  • Add estimate lines to the bid individually. Use the Specific menu option Insert Bid Line in the Bid Lines (tpest3110m000) session. This is useful if the estimate lines do not have a structure but discrete lines.

Field Information


The code that identifies the project.


The description or name of the code.


The status of the project.


The estimate version


The description or name of the code.

Version Status

The status of the version.

Bid Number

The bid number.


The description or name of the code.

Line No.

The estimate line numbers.


The description or name of the code.

Discrete Line

discrete lines

Include in Cost

If this check box is selected, the bid line is used for the cost amount total of the estimate.

Cost Amount

The cost amount of the bid line.

Cost Amount in Home Currency

The cost amount in home currency.

Include in Sales

If this check box is selected, the bid line is used for the sales amount total of the estimate.

Net Sales Amount

The sales amount of the bid line.

Net Sales Amount in Home Currency

The sales amount in home currency.

Cost Amount

The currency of the cost amount.

Cost Amount

The calculated cost amount of the bid lines.

Sales Amount

The currency of the sales amount.

Sales Amount

The calculated sales amount of the bid lines.