tigrt domains


Both text and numbers are allowed.

Answer & Follow-up

Both text and numbers are allowed; each answer can be followed by another question.


Only numbers are allowed.

Not Authorized

The user is not authorized to read the feature. The feature will also be skipped on various reports.


The user is authorized to search for features.


The calculation is assigned to an aspect (see the Aspects by Feature (tigrt0104m000) session). During the classification process the calculation will be performed after answering one or more questions. The calculation is used to fill the classification code.


The calculation is assigned to constraints. During the execution of a constraint the calculation will be performed by using the values of previously classified aspects. The calculation result will be compared to the value entered for the constraint.


The user is authorized to use the feature to search all of the selected families.


The user is not authorized to use the feature to search any of the selected families.


The user is authorized to use the feature to search some of the selected families.


Introduces the action component that applies if a condition is not met (false).


Introduces the conditional component of a constraint.


Introduces the action component that applies if a condition is met (true).


The feature is used in the search process. You can specify the search values for the feature aspect in the Aspect Values (tigrt0281m000) session.


The feature is used in the search process. LN automatically fills in the search values for the feature aspects. If you search for items by using a previously classified item or a search definition, you can use this option.


The feature is not used in the search process. You cannot define search values for the feature aspects. If the user is not authorized for all families, LN skips the feature in the search process.

& (and)

Indicates the relation AND.

. (full stop)

Indicates the last line of a constraint component.

V (or)

Indicates the relation OR.


LN prompts you for a series of numbers. LN uses these numbers to perform a calculation. The result is included in the classification code. You can also let LN compare the calculation result with an answer group. LN includes the answer's return value in the classification code.

Question and Answer

LN asks a question, and you must then select an answer from the answer group. LN includes the return value of the answer in the classification code.

Final Result

The result of the entire calculation.

Intermediate Result

The result of part of the calculation. You must assign sequence numbers in ascending order to all intermediate results in the Result field. The first intermediate result receives the number 1, the second receives number 2, and so on. Together, all intermediate results form the final result.


During classification, the answers are displayed in sequence of answer code.

Return Value

The answers are displayed in sequence of return value (the actual answer value).