Using Economic Recapture

Economic recapture is available for calculatory books. When the economic recapture check box is checked and the asset is fully depreciated (which means its net-book-value is zero), depreciation will continue to occur. The depreciation is posted to an economic recapture account rather than the normal depreciation expense or calculatory depreciation account.

Economic recapture always uses a straight line method based on the asset book life and the asset cost at the time the book was fully depreciated. It continues until you deselect the economic recapture check box, or until the transfer or disposal of asset. Economic recapture does not increase the life-to-date or year-to-date accumulated depreciation of the asset book.

Remaining life displayed on the asset book is always zero during economic recapture. The last depreciation date is updated as economic recapture progresses. This allows you to determine through what date economic recapture has occurred.

Restate depreciation can undo or recalculate economic recapture. If the additional posting check box is checked during economic recapture, the additional periodic posting amount is added to the amount of economic recapture and the sum is posted to the economic recapture account(s). If an additional posting method is supplied, this is ignored since economic recapture is always based on the straight depreciation method.