Using History Purge

History purge allows you to remove data from LN without running period end. You can use history purge to remove data that period end did not remove. You can also run history purge to remove data that you restored beyond the normal history retention periods but do not want to retain until the next period end.

When you run period end for selected companies, LN automatically purges historical data based on the history retention rules specified for each company. You can override these rules when running history purge to remove restored historical data for a company. If you have restored historical data in LN, you must modify the history retention rules in order to retain the additional data when you run period end. For more information, see the History Retention Rules topic.

You can purge summary data, detail data, or both summary and detail data during history purge.

Note: For assets subject to ADR or MACRS group tax reporting, LN does not purge data from the ADR books, even if the retention periods have been exceeded. LN will purge the ADR books for these assets when all the assets in the vintage/group account have been disposed.