
The Fixed Assets module is used to manage the fixed assets of your company. LN allows you to enter and track data for the property, plant, and equipment used by your organization. You can capitalize assets, depreciate the assets in multiple books, transfer assets within or between companies, and dispose the assets at the end of their life cycle. You can maintain periods and years of historical asset data through period-end processing.

You can track data to the original document using inquiries within products and across subsystems. You can also use the reporting capabilities of the module.

A fixed asset is linked to a group, category and up to eight hierarchical locations. You can also manage assets by quantity or by percentage.

An asset can be assigned to a any number of books, that is, an asset can cover several areas of economics, such as, life times, values, depreciation methods, and depreciation percentages. The results of financial depreciation and revaluation are posted to the General Ledger.

To handle the buying and selling of fixed assets, you can use these modules:

  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Project Progress in Project
  • Invoicing