Repay Advances

You can use the Repay Advances (tfcmg6201m000) session to repay advance payments that you receive from the business partner. You can repay advance payments to factors as well as to other types of pay-by business partners. For factored invoices, if the customer does not pay the invoice, the factor will request to be reimbursed. For more information, refer to Factoring. You must select, Repay button to generate credit notes for the business partner that cover the selected advance payments.

The credit note is composed, printed, and posted in Central Invoicing. You can view the credit note in the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session. After repaying an advance, you must unfactor an equal amount in the Settle, Repay/Unfactor Factored Invoices (tfcmg6200m000) session. For more information, refer to Factoring - receipts.

You must select, Specific Advances button to list the selected advances in the Specified Advances (tfcmg6211m000) session. You can use this session to refine the selection.