Budget Transfers

Budget amount can be transferred from one budget account to another. After a budget is approved and activated, you can use the Budget Transfers (tfbgc2500m000) session, to transfer the budget amounts for the budget year. You must hold the allotted amount before you transfer the amount.

Note: You cannot transfer a portion of the budget that has already been allotted from a budget account, nor can you transfer more than the amount that has been budgeted.

To transfer the budget amounts, complete the following steps in the Budget Transfers (tfbgc2500m000) session:

  1. Select the number series, budget year and budget code in the Budget Transfer, Budget Year and Budget fields respectively.
  2. Specify the account from which the amount must be transferred in the From Budget Account field, and the account to which the amount must be transferred in the To Budget Account field.
  3. Specify the reason to transfer amounts in the Reason field.
  4. Specify the amount to be transferred in the Transfer Amount field. The values in the other fields are populated automatically. The maximum amount that can be transferred is displayed in the Available to Transfer field.
  5. If required, you can change the Proposed To Budget amount, the other fields such as Transfer Amount, Release Amount or Unrelease Amount are populated automatically.
  6. To unrelease or hold the transferred budget amount automatically from the From Budget Account, select the Direct Unrelease check box. To release the transferred budget amount automatically, to the To Budget Account, select the Direct Release check box.
  7. The Unrelease Amount or the Release Amount fields are enabled only if you do not select the Direct Unrelease or Direct Release check boxes. You can modify the amounts, if necessary.
  8. Select the Unrelease From Budget, Transfer Amounts or Release To Budget button to hold, transfer or release the budget amounts.
Note: The budget amounts transferred, updates the budget and the allotment amounts for the account. All the transfers can be tracked and viewed in the Budget Transactions (tfbgc4500m000) session.