Release Sales Order Lines to Warehousing (tdsls4501m140)

Use this session to release sales order lines to Warehousing.

To release the sales order line to Warehousing, you must choose one of the following on the appropriate menu:

  • Release Sales Orders to Warehousing, to release the sales order line(s) in the Release Sales Orders to Warehousing (tdsls4246m000) session.
  • Release Selected Sales Order Line(s), to directly release (an) individual sales order line(s) to Warehousing.
Note: You can only release Approved sales order lines to Warehousing.

Field Information

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit


The number of the sales order.

Sold-to Business Partner

sold-to business partner


position number of an order line

Sequence Number

sequence number on the order line

Set Number

The set number that is related to the sales order line. A set number helps you to execute an activity for a group of order lines.


The code and description used to identify the sales item.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity on the sales order line.

Sales Unit

sales unit