Print Overall Vendor Rating (tdpur8402m100)

Use this session to print overall vendor ratings.

Field Information

Business Partner Type

The business partner for whom LN calculates the vendor rating.


The year in which the period falls and for which the vendor rating is calculated.

Period Table

The period for which LN calculates the vendor rating.

Smoothing Method

The method to calculate the overall vendor rating, which can be Smoothing Factor or Moving Average.

Smoothing Factor

LN recalculates the overall vendor rating as follows:

New R = Current R + (factor x (new criterion R - old criterion R))
New R new overall vendor rating
Current R current overall vendor rating
New period R new overall rating for the criterion
Old period R old overall rating for the criterion
Factor Specified in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session

Moving Average

LN recalculates the overall vendor rating as follows:

New R = sum of (rating x value) / sum of (value)
Rating The rating for the criterion per period
Value The total value, the total quantity or the total number of purchase order lines for the criterion per period.
Sum All criterions that apply to the business partner in the given number of periods that LN takes into account. You can specify the number of periods, which are taken into account, in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session.
Smoothing Factor

The smoothing factor as defined in the Smoothing Factor field of the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session.

Moving Average Periods

The moving average period as defined in the Moving Average Periods field of the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session.