ASN Details (tdpur3113m000)

Use this session to view advance shipment notice (ASN) information, which is sent by the supplier and linked to a purchase schedule line.

This session is used to link the appropriate ASN information in the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session to the applicable schedule line in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session. Consequently, modifications and cancellations of ASNs are propagated to the relevant schedule lines.

Note: The Process ASN During Goods Receipt check box in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session is used to determine when Procurement is updated with advance shipment notice (ASN) information from Warehousing.

Field Information


purchase schedule

Schedule Type

The type of the purchase schedule.

Allowed values

Pull Call-off

A list of time-phased specific requirements of purchased items, triggered from the Assembly Control module, or from Warehousing by means of Kanban, or Time-phased order point.

Pull Forecast

A list of time-phased planned production requirements, generated by Enterprise Planning , which are sent to the supplier. Pull forecast schedules are only used for forecasting purposes. To actually order the items, a pull call-off schedule must be generated.


A list of time-phased requirements, generated by a central planning system such as Enterprise Planning or Project , which are sent to the supplier. Push schedules contain both a forecast for the longer term and actual orders for the short term.

Schedule Line

schedule position number


The number that identifies the ASN detail linked to the purchase schedule line.

Multiple ASN details can be linked to a purchase schedule line.

Shipment Line

The advance shipment notice's number, which is retrieved from the Shipment field in the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session.

Shipment sequence

The sequence number of the ASN line, which is retrieved from the Sequence field in the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session.

Supplier's ASN

The ASN number received from the supplier.

Shipping Date

The date on which goods are shipped.

Shipped Quantity

The quantity shipped by the supplier in the inventory unit.

Inventory Unit

inventory unit


The status of the ASN, which is retrieved from the EDI Status field in the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session.

Received Quantity

The received quantity of the ASN line, which is retrieved from the Received Quantity field in the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session.


The unit in which the received quantity is expressed.