Purchase Requisition Approval Progress (tdpur2506m000)

Use this session to view and maitain the approval progress for a purchase requisition.

Based on the linked approval list from the Approvers (tdpur2105m000) session, approval records are inserted in this session when the purchase requisition is submitted for approval. Approvers can:

  • Add, modify or delete approval records. As a result, the approver list is changed only for the current requisition.
  • Approve or reject the requisition, if they are authorized to do so.

You can start this session:

  • From the Purchase Requisition (tdpur2600m000) session, by clicking the Requisition Approval Progress tab.
  • Stand-alone.
  • The Approval Authorizations field in the Purchase Requisition Parameters (tdpur0100m200) session determines how the approver list is used in the purchase requisition approval process.
  • Only approver departments that are purchase offices and individual approvers from the purchase office are allowed to perform final approval on a purchase requisition, and therefore set the requisition status to approved.

Field Information


purchase requisition

Serial Number

The sequence number of the approval record.

Approver Department

The approver department, or the department associated with the individual approver.


The employee code of the person who must approve the purchase requisition.

Note: The employee must be a valid approver as defined in the Approvers (tdpur2105m000) session.

Approval Status

The status of the approval record.

Allowed values

Pending Approval

The purchase requisition is submitted for approval and is waiting to be approved or rejected by the appropriate approver or approving department.


The purchase requisition is approved by the appropriate approver or approving department.


The purchase requisition is rejected by the appropriate approver or approving department.

Reason for Rejection

If you reject a purchase requisition, you can use reason codes to indicate the reason why the requisition was rejected.

  • You can use the Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000) session to reject individual purchase requisition lines.
  • You can define and modify reason codes in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.
  • The reason code must be of the type Rejection of Requisition.
Process Date

The date on which the approval record was set to Approved or Rejected.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.