tcpeg domains

Not Applicable
Cycle Counting Order
Maintenance Sales Order
Purchase Requisition
Request for Quotation
Purchase Order
Purchase Schedule
Production Order
Cost Peg Transfer
Warehouse Transfer (Manual)
Warehouse Project
Warehouse Project (Manual)
Adjustment Order

When a project peg is created.


When a project peg is modified (activity or quantity).


When a project peg is removed.


When only the peg distribution data is modified and the peg data remains unchanged. Example, for a purchase order, the peg distribution of only one order line is modified. The data for the other related lines remains unchanged.

All Types

The cost peg audit history data is displayed for all the change types.

Costing Break
Not Applicable
Top Demand

The cost peg transfer is permanent. The loaning project is compensated for the cost of the material and new demand orders are created to replenish it.

Borrow / Loan

The cost peg transfer is temporary. The borrowing project must pay back the borrowed inventory to the loaning project before the next billing cycle. No cost is transferred between the projects.

Other Cost Peg

Inventory pegged to another project in the same planning group is used to supply demand.


Customer inventory is used to supply demand.


Anonymous inventory is used to supply demand.

Within Group

Project excess inventory can be transferred out or into any project within the planning group.

Within Project

Project excess inventory can only be transferred out or into the same project.

Not Allowed

Project excess inventory cannot be transferred at all. It can only be used within the same cost account within the project.

Across Groups

Project excess inventory can be transferred out or into any project within any planning group.