Item Actual Landed Costs by Cost Component (tclct3501m000)

Use this session to view an item's actual landed costs by cost component.

Field Information



Cost Component

cost component

Note: The cost component must be available in the effective cost component structure of the landed cost line's item, which you can view in the Effective Cost Component Structure (ticpr3101m000) session. If the cost component of the landed cost line is not present in this structure, the average landed cost is added to the aggregated cost component for material costs, as specified in the Material Costs field of the Item - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.
Average Landed Cost

A cost component's average landed cost, which is based on cumulative purchases or on the current inventory, as specified in the Method of Calculating Average Landed Cost field of the Landed Costs Parameters (tclct0100m000) session.


purchase currency

Note: When the purchase currency is changed, prices are automatically recalculated.
Purchase Price Unit

purchase price unit

Note: When the purchase price unit is changed, prices are automatically recalculated.
Latest Landed Cost

A cost component's latest landed cost.