Domestic Outbound Letter of Credit Linked Documents (tcgtc2545m200)

Use this session to view the documents linked to the current letter of credit (L/C).

This session is also displayed as a satellite session of the Domestic Outbound Letter of Credit (tcgtc0650m200) session.

Field Information

Letter of Credit ID

The identification number of the letter of credit (L/C) to which the documents are linked.


The business object type of the document linked to the letter of credit (L/C).

Document Company

The code of the operational company of the document linked to the letter of credit (L/C).


The business object ID of the document linked to the letter of credit (L/C).


The line number of the document.

Document Reference

The reference of the document, which includes detailed information such as document number, line number, and sequence number.


The sequence number of the document line.

Link Date

The date on which the document is linked to the letter of credit (L/C).


The version number of the letter of credit (L/C). This number is increased by 1 when a document is linked or when the letter of credit is unapproved to allow adjustments.

Note: You can only change the most recent version of the letter of credit.