Embargoes (tcgtc0680m100)

Use this session to view and filter embargoes and embargo lines data based on the specified values.

To filter the data, you can also use the options that are based on the documents for which the embargo checks are performed. When you select an option, the count of the check results is also displayed.

Field Information


The From and To fields define a range of: countries for which the embargo lines are filtered.

The description or name of the code.

Country Set-from

The From and To fields define a range of: country set for which the embargo lines are filtered.

The description or name of the code.

Embargo Lines

The count of embargo lines that are displayed based on the specified filters.


Indicates that the embargo lines for which the Embargo and Boycott Status is set to Free, are displayed.

The count of embargo lines for which the Embargo and Boycott Status is set to Free, are displayed.


Indicates that the embargo lines for which the Embargo and Boycott Status is set to Active are displayed.

The count of embargo lines for which the Embargo and Boycott Status is set to Active, are displayed.


Indicates that the embargo lines for which the Embargo and Boycott Status is set to Closed. are displayed.

The count of embargo lines for which the Embargo and Boycott Status is set to Closed, are displayed.

Past Expiry

Indicates the embargo lines with the expiry date in the past, are displayed.

The count of embargo lines with the expiry date in the past is displayed in the satellite session.

Expiry Today

Indicates the embargo lines that are due to expire on the current date, is displayed.

The count of embargo lines that are due to expire on the current date, is displayed.

Expiry 1-7 Days

Indicates the embargo lines that are due to expire in the next seven days, are displayed.

The count of embargo lines that are due to expire in the next seven days, is displayed.

Expiry Beyond 7 Days

Indicates the embargo lines that are due to expire after seven days is displayed.

The count of embargo lines that are due to expire after seven days is displayed.